Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Thereā€™s my lack of education again. Sorry pal. But I blame them fuckin teachers.

Well I read somewhere about somebody saying something so stupid that only intellectuals could understand it. I decided not to go down that route.

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No worries, pal.

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Are you of the opinion you havenā€™t caught Covid-19 because of not taking the Vaccine?

Not at all. Just been lucky really I suppose.

Maybe heā€™s the cure?

That tweet is from August last year, the situation is a bit different now. The UK had 207 deaths yesterday. Thatā€™s a death every 7 minutes.

A really fine bit of writing, the author puts her finger on the sense uncertainty and dis-ease that the intelligent and intuitive forumites feel. It may also help lads like @TheBlackSpot and @Tank.

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Thatā€™s the point. We have right wing lifestyle contrarian gobshites now heaping positivity on the policies of Florida, with the implication that it is ā€œdone with Covidā€.

Florida is not done with Covid, nor is anywhere else.

The tweet link to the fragrant yet poisonous Isabel Euphemia Oakeshott is to highlight that last year we had right wing professional contrarian gobshites claiming that certain places were done with Covid. They were not.

Even an avoidable catastrophe - as Florida have had - is not enough to persuade right wing lifestyle contrarians that Floridaā€™s policies were anything but a success. To these people, once the dead are dead, they never existed.

Same logic that would have portrayed Germany and Poland as much safer places for Jews in 1946 than they had been in 1944.

Those arguing that the vaccination process isnt working because of those in hospitals with Covid but are vaccinated really doesnt stack up.

There is less than 8% of the population unvaccinated. 92% vaccinated. Yet the hospital figures show that of the 100 or so in ICU, over half of them are unvaccinated. That is a disproportionate amount based on the stats. If you are to go on a pro rata basis, the ICU figures would reduce by 46% if there was 100% vaccinated numbers.

Now thats fairly black and white cutting through numbers, which isnt always going to be the case, but either way, its a small amount that is causing the high numbers. It is also causing the spread to increase, you are more likely to fall ill and pass it on if unvaccinated.

The main issue at the moment I believe is that the biggest cohort of infected population is the 5-12 year old grouping. Yeah it isnt affecting them much, but it still ensures the virus is carried forward. The halloween break should help break that a little bit, but its the sick adults in ICU and in other areas that is the one thing that needs to reduce.

The vaccination process is clearly working. But it wont succeed with the numbers of unvaccinated causing excess numbers.

To add to this, if we base the 8% unvaccinated stats in ICU, if we had no vaccines, on a pro rata basis we would have 625 in ICU right now, not 100.


The Doomers who have incessantly about exponential growth and how cases wonā€™t stop growing will be fuming again.

76% of U.K. kids have antibodies apparently.

Iā€™d say the 3k daily cases figure could be reached in the next few days. Over the last 7 days the difference between Positive swabs less confirmed cases is 1256. 640 of this was from yesterday alone.

Is this satire?

Thanks you cunt, but could you just post the article. Iā€™m not savvy enough to navigate that site. Thanks pal.

Good thread.


Itā€™s actually taking longer to do that copy paste thing than it took to read it. Just click on the link and readā€¦

Today could be the one

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