Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

How much hospital/ICU capacity has been added since March 2020?

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Iā€™ve read theyā€™ve increased it from 255 to 321.


ICU capacity wouldnā€™t solve the problem according to man responsible for increasing icu capacity



scenes :grinning: :+1:
i called the magic 3k yesterday but it looks like we are heading up
kids back at school next week, its a right melting pot, im expecting a humdinger from Herr Hoolahan next Thursday

heā€™s fucking back

Its a bit like netanyahu and gantz in 2014
they wanted to start the ground invasion of gaza as it was clear that the daily air strikes werent working, rockets were still coming across and then on world cup semi final night . bang
Like all power hungry maniancs tho, Hoolahan wants the invasion, he just needs justifiable causeā€¦ so heā€™ll let the pubs, clubs open. that will allow the cases to rise to give him justifiable cause to strikeā€¦
its like netanyahu, provoke hamas, let them fire the rockets, the odd suicide attack, let them in and then you can strike

Hoolahan plays the public like a fiddle
remember last christmasā€¦ Joe Public screaming for things to be opened up at Christmas, Tony keeps a low profile, government succumb to public pressure and openā€¦ 2 weeks later , everyone coughing and splutteringā€¦ the same Joe Public saying the governement were wrong to open the place ( this could only happen in ireland btwā€¦) ā€“ ā€œTonyā€™sā€ work is done


George Lee will be called back from whatever wind turbine in Mayo heā€™s been stationed at to report the 3k case number.


fearghal bowers will be on his 45th notebook

Local lockdowns. Holohan wonā€™t have that :grinning:

All or nothing for T - all Iā€™m sure his preferred choice

Sure we might get a meaningful Halloween out of it

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Taking off his mask and wiping his glasses with it was a masterstroke. The ultimate fuck you ro the plebs

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Our leader telling the lads with the nightclubs to cool the jets or chill the beans (copyright D.Fitzgerald)

Lock down the unvaxed !


The best thing you can do to reduce your carbon hoofprint is to get vaccinated now

For their safety.

Do you need the government to keep you safe? Maybe they should lock down the sharp knives in your house so Mrs. TUM doesnā€™t stab you in your sleep? You can NEVER be too safe.

Martinā€™s aghast tone when criticised for things is irritating. He is telling the industry to stay quiet and to be happy that government are letting them open. He seems to be forgetting that he is operating under emergency powers and that he has gone back on his word several times (no vaxx passports, ā€œget to a high rate and then you can openā€).


A 16-year-old girl who claimed she developed the incurable rare sleep disorder narcolepsy after she was vaccinated against swine flu in 2010 has settled her High Court action for ā‚¬1 million.

It is the latest in a number of recent settlements involving young people who claim to have been adversely affected by the Pandemrix vaccine.

It follows a landmark settlement last year which led to an agreement by the State to settle, without admission of liability, an estimated 80 similar cases.

Lovely stuff. The taxpayer footing the bill for pharmaceutical problems. The practice of legally indemnifying pharmaceutical companies from civil lawsuits due to any unforeseen complications arising from problems with their vaccines is unconscionable to many, but a wonderful system for guaranteeing profits.

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Seems to be little to no support for people who have suffered side effects from the covid vaccines either from the HSE.

That is also totally wrong.