Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

We need to lock down the unvaccinated to protect our inadequate health system. Itā€™s unfortunate but thatā€™s where we are at.

I understand your frustration but if there are no power cuts how are you really affected by being locked at home?

Yeah letā€™s go down that road. Blame the foreigners, I donā€™t see any downside to that. Good man dan.


Iā€™m sure people going home to get vaccinated is a big factor there.

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Deport the fuckers

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Because for the majority of young, healthy people, being outdoors in fresh air, exercising, and mixing with others in that same group is a fundamental part of wellness. Our health system has always been inadequate, but nobody was calling for mass lockdowns during cold and flu season prior to Covid. Vaccinated people are also more likely to be a transmission problem in society.

What youā€™re describing is not ā€œunfortunateā€. Itā€™s deranged.


Weā€™ve gone from 2 weeks to flatten the curve, to repeated lockdowns, to optional vaccines, to mandatory vaccines if you want to partake in society, to racism. The descent into tyranny has been fascinating to watch.


Iā€™d never be in favour of a military coup, but these boyos are not convincing

Thatā€™s a good and obvious point.

What do you mean? That they actually went home to be vaccinated so they donā€™t show up on our records? So our actual vaccinated numbers are even higher?

Maybe they donā€™t know about Covid as well though because all the ads are in English. The poor cunts have probably been wondering where everyone has been for the last 18 months.


The approach here really should be to look at the rate and compare to that country. So for U.K. residents, it seems to be about 10% short of the rate there. You could effectively add that rate to Ireland of Irelandā€™s vaccination. I donā€™t believe the DoH want to up the rate though as 92% is a sufficiently high rate that Ireland tops global charts (killing it on the Bloomberg resilience rankings atm) but we have ā€œenoughā€ to blame the unvaccinated for issues.

Tbf though, it is important to reach out to these communities directly as they will often work and socialise together and this creates more susceptible groups. Thereā€™s no doubt that thereā€™s issues in Eastern Europe with vaccine hesitancy. In fairness it seems like the health bods are doing that quietly enough as we donā€™t have to be causing xenophobia again like the travel issue did.

Yeah, Iā€™m technically unvaccinated according to the stats. Even when I get my cert I donā€™t think they will add me to the official pile. Iā€™d say the ā€œrealā€ vaccination rate here is 2%-3% higher.

Hang on, whoa whoa whoa. We need to protect the lads currently getting the sweet gig of the covid ad voiceovers. At least pay them to learn Polish in 6 months and then do that ad.


If you get first jab in one country and second in another, all you have is a cert of one jab in each country ā€¦donā€™t think you can have one complete cert showing the two ā€¦

Thereā€™s also the denominator effect on the population stats. A lot of your Eastern Europeans arenā€™t living here per the last census which probably underestimates the total population. Eg the Waterford 99.7% vaccination rate is clearly dubious.

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And now theyā€™re talking about it on Newstalk. This should get the extremist left and extremist right good and worked up.

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Very true.

The cognitive dissonance could cause lads brains to over heat.


Agreed. No need for the military to get involved