Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The FCA are primed for action.

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They need a good focal point every month to make everyone turn on each other and rat people out. As long as they dont take the blame themselves and encourage us plebs to turn and blame each other.

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We’re back to the blaming the foreigners stage. It all comes in cycles.

They are trolling us now


Where specifically was there blame apportioned by official representatives?

Is there actually a rule (an actual rule, not a guideline) against crowd surfing now? Where can one find it? If that is actually the case then we are done.

6 years more like

That’s the shortest most consise summation of this level 5 bullshit we have endured for the last 2 years.

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Oh dear, so the vaccinated spread it like wildfire too. What again is the upside of a fit and heatlhy u40 getting the vaccine?

Vaccine fascism and racism go hand in hand.


What do you think of more lockdowns being proposed after 2 years of severe restrictions and mass vaccination, first being told first of all that lockdowns were the wayout then vaccine? Of course slow learners like @the_man_himself will still dig his hole deeper and deeper but some people have been made awful mugs of and to make matters worse have made even bigger mugs of themselves faced with the reality.

The canny operators saw this as futile propaganda. Sadly the canny operators are a minority of the population. The vaccine was only ever beneficial for about 30% of the population.

If lads can’t admit ro being wrong on an anonymous Internet forum how will politicians and scientists hold up their hands and say the ruined businesses, cancelled medical operations, missed educational and life experiences, lonely bereavements etc etc were all for nothing?
As long as the majority keep pretending licjdowbs and vaccines are the solution then society can stumble on towards disaster, safe in the knowledge that the unvaccinated and the sceptics can be blamed for all misfortune


It’s OK mate. I forgive you and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy whether you admit you were wrong or not. I’m magnanimous like that.

You’re about as magnanimous as any other ballymena man

I’m pretty sure most venues prohibit crowd surfing nowadays anyway. It’s lethal. I lost my glasses crowd surfing at a Faith No More gig once.


There was no need for that now. I’m devastated to be thought of as a Ballymena man. Mortally wounded I am. Almost literally.

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That doesn’t quite sound lethal.