Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I do that every Halloween.


I fucking hate jager. It’s poison.


As regards the lecture I just hope he knows the law better than he knows the science.
As regards the jagermeister he should apply the spirit of the law rather than the letter.

Tony & the HSE don’t want this pandemic to end.

We got caught out one year myself and the housemate got spotted in the kitchen. We had to give the children some of our biscuits. They were the carmel digestives too

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It’s significantly less game changing than ivermectin but hundreds of times more expensive

This is an excellent move by Merck.

If only the vaccine manufacturers would follow, we could end this pandemic and possibly even eliminate Covid.

RTE news : Highest number of Covid cases reported since 16 January

Enjoy your pints this weekend


Where are the boosters?

NIAC need to get the finger out big time and start the ball rolling ASAP.

Every day counts on this, every extra day is more lives lost.

Hospital numbers and ICU down, keep it moving!

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When it comes to approving stuff what exactly is it that NIAC think they’ll spot that their equivalents in other countries haven’t spotted? Why do they always seem so far behind in approving stuff?


That’s what my point was as regards the JCVI in Britain when they dragged their heels on vaccinations for 12-18 year olds, they’re still dragging them. That decision means schoolchildren have driven the pandemic there in recent weeks and months.

The risk benefit analysis on this is clear.

Boosters have got to happen now. As have vaccinations for children, which are now approved for 5-11 years old in the US.

They say they have the supply, so there are no excuses for waiting.

On this at least you are correct. I naively assumed that they would be competent and start boosters around the beginning of October. The data was there. All sections of government and all advisors are guilty.

They’re a bullshit committee that don’t want responsibility.


Lads in the same building writing letters to each other and taking weeks to reply.

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My MIL has Covid. Double vaxed.

Anecdotally it does seem break through infections are increasing.

I certainly will



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Seeing as we’re on this thread, I found the Spanish to be far more into wearing the face masks than we are here, a massive amount of people wear them walking outdoors, even while exercising , I even saw some who wore the masks while eating outdoors, only removing them while they were actually eating, we’re in the hapenny place in comparison
Enjoy the sun :+1:

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