Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Masks :sweat_smile: the same auld apes thinking they work after all scientific evidence shows otherwise unless its N95 or better, not worth a fuck. Its airborne, it will get in the the top around your nose, especially those blue medical pound shop jobs


Exact same in Portugal. Nearly all locals were wearing masks outside.


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Tell it to the Iberians,
or just repeat yourself over and over and over and over and over etc etc here as usual. Sure what else would you be doing?

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Youā€™ve destroyed @backinatracksuit 's week off, you bad cunt.

Ah bless, the cavalry comes charging in as usual, canā€™t be putting the big dog down :joy:

Another tackies trap sprung, along with a laughing emoji. How does he do it.

Stock response right there, ā€˜trap sprungā€™, whatever the fuck that means, at least the other chap has a bit of personality, fictional and all as it is, I can see how heā€™s a hero to a pretend hard man dullard like yourself.


Youā€™re obsessed with a fictional character on here. Youā€™d really want to get over him and move on.

That is honestly the stuff of nightmares, absolutely horrific. Meant to quote where you said they wear them outdoors exercising.

Obsessed, a bit strong do you think on the basis of a couple of replys? Iā€™d use a laughing emoji but it annoys you so Iā€™ll leave it off,
Have a good night, Weā€™ll meet again when I make a dig at the hero of all Galway hard men :+1:

@Tassotti has destroyed generations of posters at this stage.

Aaaand, hereā€™s another :joy:

100% true, lots of joggers wearing masks, beach yoga classes or personal training sessions masked as well

The Hall monitor had a tough few days calling out bad people on TFK. The burden of the righteous.

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The Portuguese seem to have a grand oulā€™ society altogether. Sensible, moderate socialist government, very little in the way of that oulā€™ anti-vaccine or anti-mask nonsense, enlightened drugs laws and properly liberated women who let the hair grow on their bodies the way nature intended rather than trying and failing to live up to the horrible, fake, repressive idea of feminine ā€œbeautyā€ idealised in most other western societies.

Paddy with his face nappy obsession, wait till he comes to the mainland, its a free for all, heā€™ll be straight on to phone to Tony Holohan


Maska are a Caudilo

I think everyone knows it too. But out of pure cowardice the vast majority just go along with it. Fully vaccinated and still afraid of their shit.

Incredible stupidity. But thats where we are now.

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A friend moved to Madrid about 6 months before covid happened. They had a very different experience of it to what we did. A lot of deaths in a very short time and locked in apartments for long periods only allowed out for limited amount of time a day and had to stay within a short distance of their apartments, police patrols and drones checking up on people. No surprise they have a different view on mask wearing really.

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