Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Are masks proven to be a waste of time? I hear this a lot on TFK. You’d imagine they’'d stop a bit of spread of the virus. Is there a Twitter study that disproves their effectiveness?

An N95 mask is very effective. A properly fitted surgical mask is reasonably effective. Cloth masks are largely useless.

N95 masks are certainly better than cloth masks. Cloth masks are certainly better than wearing no mask.

That cloth masks are “useless” is an extremist right-wing wing article of faith, a quasi-religious belief, and as we all know, quasi-religious right wing beliefs are always, and I’m being kind here, total bollocks.

That makes very little sense to a layman like myself. Surely anything that stops the breath coming out of our mouths just a tiny bit is effective, if even on a macro level when combined over thousands of people. I always thought saying they were a total waste of time was some sort of piss take. Is the n95 chat actually serious rather than the road from birr to ardee??

It has to do with particle size. All properly conducted studies show cloth masks are ineffective in blocking airborne pathogens like the Covid virus. If transmission were droplet rather than airborne they would be effective. The virus is about 0.1 micron, aerosols around 1-5 micron and gaps in cloth masks can be up to a hundred micron. You only need a few viral particles to get infected so a “little bit” of blocking doesn’t help much.

Also, if a mask stopped your breath you would be dead.


The last thing you want when facing a severe acute respiratory disease is fresh air.




A recent experience made me think of the nonsense of the testing system for a dangerous virus.

Person has symptoms and is unwell. Positive antigen test. They are told to come to a testing centre (no longer drive in) and if needs be have somebody else drive them there as they are too unwell to drive.

They then enter the building with other people to be tested and potentially infecting other people with only protection being a mask whose efficacy is questionable

They’d not do that with Ebola

You mean we should burn anyone with symptoms?


Studies show the N95 is excellent at protecting you from being bled all over.

Would I be correct in saying there are other studies that say masks are effective ?

Very interesting stuff here and once again massively reinforces how crazy it is to remain unvaccinated.

What’s happening in our schools where Covid is being let run rampant is a mass, unregulated medical experiment. The long term consequences of it could be disastrous. These consequences could last many decades.

Terrific news for the lads that have had the bug
you’ve the sort of long lasting reliable immunity that big pharma wouldn’t sell you, even if it could.


Really shows how crazy it is for a fit and healthy person to get vaccinated with an experimental drug to stop then getting a virus that poses little threat to them.

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You’d literally need your head examined. It’s as well for fellas on tfk that we’re here to tell them the truth

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Is that “Brownstone Institute” anything to Mr. Brownstone?

Yes and all of them reference cloth masks reducing droplet transmission.

The replies are a good summation of the batshit levels some people went to over the last 18 months


A healthy serving of TNH in there, Ewan scrambling to remain relevant,

How are we fixed anyway? The “mood music” became very grave around 2-3 weeks ago, ahead of that 22 October milestone date. Have things kind of flattened off again or are we fucked?

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