Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Date Confirmed Cases Positive Swabs
Oct-02 1586 1228
Oct-03 1051 1303
Oct-04 892 1086
Oct-05 1124 1105
Oct-06 984 1420
Oct-07 1207 1386
Oct-08 2002 1817
Oct-09 1940 1741
Oct-10 1384 1531
Oct-11 1358 1484
Oct-12 1466 1373
Oct-13 2066 1928
Oct-14 1627 1914
Oct-15 1914 2013
Oct-16 2180 1969
Oct-17 1380 1960
Oct-18 1578 1868
Oct-19 2399 1884
Oct-20 2148 2227
Oct-21 2029 2325
Oct-22 2466 2526
Oct-23 2427 2442
Oct-24 1725 2220
Oct-25 1845 2058
Oct-26 2193 1738
Oct-27 1631 2312
Oct-28 2605 2570
Oct-29 2549 2642
Oct-30 2966 3042
Oct-31 1963 3198
Nov-01 3220

With a gap of 1200 odd from yesterday I wouldn’t be surprised to see between 3500 and 4k cases confirmed today


What date for the next lockdown? Holohan has a score to settle after last Christmas, he’ll make sure ye cunts are well locked down this year for Christmas

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It’s almost like the vaccine rollout has been a complete and utter failure.

That’s a nasty looking tumour under his right eye.

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Define failure.
Deaths and Hospitalisations would be way higher at those case rates without the vaccine. THAT IS A FACT.

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Would they?

That’s debatable. What were the death rates this time last year? How many u40s have died?

93% vaccination or whatever % it is and it’s done fuck all to stop the transmission

yeah… so this is brilliant stuff from Hoolahan… ah but look the irish population are easily played- last Christmas will tell you that with the same lads on here wanting the pub open then saying it was the wrong decision- anything to have pot at elected officials who were only trying to push back on this madman… fellas can call Leo what they want but at least he tried to stand up against this egomaniac… the bizarre thing is the public actually are onside with this fella…
he set this up brilliantly tho… let it rip in the pubs and now the fire is alive and the kids are back in school so off we go… he’ll have meehole now announce schools are gone id say around Nov22 maybe and yet joe public will blame the government …but anyway shur

id say there isnt a hope in hell schools will be open in 2 weeks time
and they’ll be lucky to be back by feburary ( bar exam classes)

this delta plus variant looks the absolute business btw

i called this very badly tho for the first time during this pandemic
i said iirr that November 15 was the new Freedom Day October 22 based on 20 october data
fuck me … it looks like that’s the day the schools will go

The Delta Plus Variant lads… its unreal

The public will blame the government and NPHET because of the inexplicable delay on boosters. Boosters for over 55s and health care workers should have started 2 months ago. NHPET as much to blame as anything, they’re seen as just the same crowd as the vaccine advisors.

can someone do a quick back of the envelope there
how many total positive cases of C19 have offially been recorded ?

and then could we use that as a calculator to derive how many people have tested positive here?
like say realistically, hwo many of us would bother to go for a test if we had symptoms? id say 10-20% of the population would? ok lets say 1 in 4
so then would it be fair to say that the total number of cases since the beginning is at best 20% of the reality?

(edit we,ve had 446k cases)… id say in reality the figure is probably closer to 2 million?)

thoughts? am i way off there?

Some flute taking too much dodgy coke could end up with similar symptoms.

How do I not know any of these people? It must be the same people getting infected 5 times?

What’s the hospital numbers?
@mickee321 @Copper_pipe

i know a load of people spluttering but nobody ever seems to have covid… bar the odd one two, usually caught as they need to go on a plane or something
the situation with kids is just the same as normal tbh… you get snot on your head tying shoelaces every november

i dont know , only the staff are sick


I don’t want it to sound like I’m grasping at straws but the rate of increase is nothing like January / Christmas 2020/21. This is more a steady, non-explosive situation so far. Maybe it could be managed.

Down south Holohan runs rings about you shmucks by keeping the information hidden from you.

Up north, there’s been 14 deaths in the u40 category in 163,707 positive cases in about 20 months. We have no further information about what health these people were in prior to getting Covid.

The death rate in u40s is also much the same per no of positive cases as it was prior to the vaccination rollout. Clearly the vaccines have done fuck all for a demopgraph that was never really at threat anyway.

It’s time to stop the nonsense, it’s time for personal responsibility, if you are at risk or exposed to someone at risk you have to take responsibility for that, if you’re not get on and live your life.

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