Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Sure the cold weather has yet to hit. You’d imagine it will be at similar levels in terms of transmission as last year when the winter weather arrives.

Actually, if it were possible to deliver boosters to health care workers and over 55s before 1 December then I think the situation could be managed and there’s a decent chance a Christmas lockdown could be avoided.

NIAC will having a meeting sometime in January to decide if that’s feasible.


But you see this is the beauty of it
Down here, " personal responsibility" was defined from the outset as everyone needed to act as if they had the thing… you point is 100% correct and i reiterated that last May… if youre at risk or close to someone who is its your job to get yourself sorted and minimise your risk of infection… own it and fucking deal with it


You seem to be under the illusion vaccines do much. The seasonal aspect is repeating itself. The proof will be in the pudding over the winter months whether vaccines actually protect the vulnerable categories as they do fuck all for the non-vulnerable categories as we are finding out.

Be interesting to see how they spin it if death totals are similar to last year, blame it on the “anti-vaxxers” I suppose.

im assuming vaccines have some type of half life like a radioative isotope that make them less resistive to an exisiting strain? now i know sweet fuck all about how they work or if they need to be re- engineered to handle mutations… they are working…but id imagine its akin to a fella with his finger in a dyke as they become less effective… all at once the wave hits and the vulnerable who were all vaccinated at the same time period initially now are screwed

Do you see any problem with that study Tim?

The ONS figures from between 2 January and 24 September 2021, and adjusted for age, showed the mortality rate for the unvaccinated was 849.7 per 100,000, compared with 26.2 for the fully jabbed.

It’s yet more misinformation from the vaccine fascists.

It is flawed but look at the number of cases.

Similar to Ireland, the U.K. has added a shitload of reported cases since early in the year. In fact U.K. reported cases have doubled since the start of June. Quite clearly the vaccines are having a huge impact on mortality.

It’s flawed yes.

So it can be discounted. I think what it shows is news and media outlets, govt offices and scientists and academics bought and paid for by Big Pharma are using flawed information to spread their agenda.

Surely integrity is the most important thing at play here? It serious undermines any public messaging they engage with when they are knowingly distorting the truth and the data to deliver false narratives.

They are having little to no impact on the no of deaths in the 0-40 category. That information is utterly obvious from the data released up north.

UK deaths Jun - Oct 2020 - 8k~
UK deaths Jun - Oct 2021 - 13k~

What is the deaths to cases ratio for the period?

No it can’t. It’s data, interpret how you want.

You stated above that the effect of vaccines was “debatable”

The data show the impact of the vaccines on mortality. You want to play a game on this but we should be clear here, the vaccines have made a huge impact on mortality.

It does. It shows that in the u40 category, the impact on mortality is more or less the same per cases.

What is the testing per cases ratio?

There’s a guy on Matt Cooper here talking about how NPHET need to “soften the ground” if they want another level 5 lockdown.

The testing capacity up north is probably at about 3x what is was last year.

I think it was this time last year when Derry and Strabane was the Covid hotspot of Europe.

Holohan will send out the teeaboy Glynn with some soft messaging over the next week or two, then bang, level 5 will be on the table for the 1st week of December for 3 solid months


Yes or no, the vaccines are effective in reducing mortality?