Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Driven by the unvaccinated, as this chart clearly shows. Despite the unvaccinated being a small number, they have driven mortality in the period when the U.K. was more or less reopened. Comparing absolute numbers for a period where people were either under heavy restrictions or isolating from society is flawed.

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Sure you already put up that information you agree is flawed to support your argument. Now you’re doubling down on it. If you want to look at vaccinated v unvaccinated, you cannot do it from the 8th January when the vaccine rollout was in its infancy and the seasonal element of Covid was in its storm.

We won’t know until we see how things go this winter.

They are certainly ineffective in the u40 category, the data in the north is conclusive on that.

No we absolutely know, the data reflects this.

You are wrong.

You are Ivor Cummins and I claim my …

We don’t. The only thing we agree on is that the study you used to support your position is flawed and misleading.

You are wrong and you’re being incredibly disingenuous.

The data from the north is conclusive that in the u40 category, the vaccine rollout has been ineffective.

Are you saying it’s been effective? Mass uptake and the vaccine still spreading like wildfire but mortality rates in the non-vulnerable categories more or less the same.

It isn’t flawed, the reporting of it is imperfect but the facts are the facts. If you actually dig into the data, it quite clearly shows that the unvaccinated have been driving deaths in the U.K.

The ONS have detailed data in the link I posted that shows week by week what is happening. The data shows this.

If you are talking about waning immunity then fine, but that is just a guess on your part. The data is showing that vaccines are significantly reducing mortality- if you can’t admit that then you aren’t an honest operator on here.



You wouldn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

You are talking about transmission.

You claim it doesn’t stop transmission and it is “spreading like wildfire”. But at the same time you are also saying that testing being higher masks the fact that reported cases have ballooned since June. You can’t make your mind up.

But let’s stick with the statement from you on it not stopping transmission and it spreading like wildfire. Given that, why did the unvaccinated drive deaths over the period you referenced?

Facts are meaningless in a debate with @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

However you have to admire the way he has pressed his positions on covid onwards, sensing fatigue in the opposition. On a number of fronts he has moved from “there’s no evidence that X does Y” to “X definitely doesn’t do Y” to “X does the opposite of Y”.

He keeps repeating one thing long enough wear out others and convince himself more fully, then having consolidated that position, he rolls inexorably forward to his next position.

He’s like a panzer. Or the Israelis, ignoring their borders and building more illegal settlements. While lads are still agog at the illegal settlements that shouldn’t be there, Fulvio is already rolling his bulldozer onwards obliterating more facts.


I think I’ve just shown the absolute fanaticism of vaccine fascists here. They don’t really care about the facts, it’s a cult with them, admitting putting false information to support their argument and then a few posts later contradicting themselves when they realise their position is idiotic and not based in pragmatism and logic.

The data is there for all to see, since the vaccine rollout, there has been no swing to categories who were not at risk, both in terms of transmission or mortality.

All data is.

Your comparison of June 2020 to October 2020 vs. June 2021 to October 2021 was extremely flawed. Irrespective of that though, the absolute number of deaths you quoted for this period has a grossly disproportionate number of unnvaccinated people (as the data shows). Hence the vaccines are reducing mortality.

So you’ve gone from flawed to not flawed to flawed again in about 10 posts.

It’s a great laugh tying the vaccine fascists up in knots.

Who’s that?

I don’t know who he was. Just some Matt Cooper talking head I think, not a proper medical person.

I’m not a vaccine fascist. I have said that I don’t think the case stacks up for widespread boosters and don’t think younger people should have been offered them before older people abroad.

You appear to be the absolutist one, desperately trying to talk down vaccines. This is black and white, unvaccinated people are a disproportionate number of people who have died of Covid in recent months. You are looking ahead and trying to predict they won’t work anymore as your debating point, that’s lame.

Having another lockdown now would be a total disaster. Most transmission is happening in the home, even Tony must know this by now

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You keep using flawed information to support your stance because it’s a preposterous once that is not backed up anything legitimate. It’s fanatical cultist stuff you are proclaiming.

Explain this one to me, data from the north.

Cumulative totals:
30 June 2021 - 7 deaths in the u40 category
31 Oct 2021 - 14 deaths in the u40 category

16 months - 7 deaths - no vaccine
5 months - 7 additional deaths - vaccine rollout in full swing

Surely the widespread rollout of the vaccine should have seen deaths reduce if it was effective

All data is flawed. The 32 times is flawed as we would expect over time that more people will died who are vaccinated but have Covid because it’s logical as time progresses and the vast majority are fully vaccinated.

The data itself is clear cut on the unvaccinated and part dosed. Age adjusted mortality is significantly higher. The full ONS data is here for your review.