Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The data is flawed and clearcut?


You are focusing in on the u40s, you need to be able to stick to a point. The data shows that fully vaccinated people have a significantly reduced risk of mortality than unvaccinated people- the 32 times will fluctuate but the week by week data shows this.

Yes 32 times reported is flawed. It fluctuates as explained. It shouldnā€™t be reported like that.

Take a look at that data and come back to us.

Iā€™ve focused on the non vulnerable categories when it has came to the vaccine rollout from the very beginning. Why are you now attempting to shift the goalposts?

Iā€™ve taken a look at the data. It is a joke of a study. If they want to look at the impact of vaccinated vs unvaccinated then they start when the mass vaccine rollout has concluded not when it has barely even kicked off in the middle of peak Covid. This winter will answer a lot of questions, clearly it has been ineffective in not at risk categories, the winter season will tell us how itā€™s done on the vulnerable categories.

Iā€™m not trying to move the goal posts. I am sticking on topic. Above you posted in response to this with regards to population wide stats and a statement that hospitalisations and deaths were lower due to vaccines.

This is not a point on the u40s.

There will be no more lockdowns.

Iā€™ve heard of a few people who are vaccinated who have Covid and have symptoms. None of them are particularly sick with it and a heavy head cold would be a worse dose.

The vaccine does seem to work to stop serious illness.

Very few people with get severely ill from Covid irrespective of their vaccination status.

You clearly donā€™t understand it, deary me. Have a look at what age standardised adjusted mortality means there in the glossary. :sweat_smile:

If you can figure how that excel youā€™ll see that age adjusted deaths per 100k for the unvaccinated/partially vaccinated was an average of 11.6 per week for the last reported 4 weeks. It was 1.2 for the vaccinated. I would not quote 32 times myself as this number is going to fluctuate significantly. That is why the reporting of the data is flawed.

Itā€™s absolutely correct to compare over time, as we can clearly see that in a period of the virus having ā€œspread like wildfireā€ in January (a term you are using for what is happening currently), deaths amongst the unvaccinated were enormous. Thankfully the vaccines have proven to be highly effective at reducing mortality and thank goodness for that.

I donā€™t understand it? :rofl:

Youā€™re flip flopping in it from post to post. I am very clear in that the study you posted is misleading and complete bullshit. I seen to be only guy here who knows whatā€™s what and thatā€™s because I deal in facts not fanaticism.

Itā€™s all fake news.

Romania have their highest number of hospitalisations and deaths with Covid right now with just 30% vaccinated, but sure itā€™s ā€œdebatableā€ whether they reduce mortality.

Iā€™m not flipping. Iā€™ve explained that I donā€™t think reporting 32 times is accurate and all data reporting is flawed to an extent, but the pattern is undeniable.

Answer us why the country Ireland got excess vaccines from because so many didnā€™t want them have a death curve like this vs. Ireland or the U.K. right now?

Boosters will work. The problem is they wonā€™t be rolled out quick enough and weā€™re going to have a serious situation very soon. Expect swabs to be over 5k within a week or 10 days.

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Take the vaccine. It reduces the risk of death but wonā€™t stop the next lockdown. Remember that next election when the current policy makers want another 5 years doing a terrible job in leading the country

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Whatā€™s your outlook on rich countries giving out boosters before poor ones have even had a first round? We should wait before extending them to the general population surely?

My outlook is they will do it.

In a global sense in terms of supply and demand and need and want it is absolutely morally wrong but governments look after their own, thatā€™s what they do.

The real people to blame are those who are not sharing their recipes and keeping worldwide supply limited for the sake of profit. Thatā€™s Pfizer and Moderna. And they are guilty of a much greater moral wrong by doing this.

Iā€™ve consistently said Covid needs to be treated with the same policy urgency a major war would be. You canā€™t do that if companies are restricting supply for profit. These companies have got to be brought to heel.

No it isnā€™t itā€™s Ireland and the EU backing them up.

Ireland is the country that fought tooth and nail to pay back 14 billion to Apple. Does that surprise you?

Ireland was correct in that. The point is itā€™s infantile blaming the companies.