Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Oh seriously, do fuck off.

Carry on so :man_shrugging:

When Delta was gaining in prominence as a percentage of cases its transmissibility advantage didn’t translate to exploding or even rising case numbers until it had passed out Alpha as a share of all cases.

That is bad news in regards to this offshoot of Delta, AY.4.2, because the same effect is likely at work with AY.4.2 - but it is not yet dominant.


AY.4.2 may only be the hors d’oeuvres for this winter’s courses of variants.

Welcome AY.30, currently spreading in South East Asia.

You’re a fierce man for the bad news


I believe they call it confirmation bias.

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I accurately represent what’s happening. I’m positive where positivity is warranted (and I’m a lot more positive than the many posters who have gone down a rabbit hole of ultra-cynicism here) and negative where it is warranted.

This is why I’ve been consistently ahead of the game all pandemic while so many other posters here have consistently behaved like startled earwigs.

Samsung McConkey says he sees encouraging signs in the data lately, which means we are probably fucked.

He says there’s very little point in giving out boosters of this vaccine to the vast majority of the population. We may as well wait for a new vaccine.

cc @glenshane

I’m starting to think the work we’ve done here has been more influential than we realise. The penny is clearly dropping with these people, but it would be a mistake to think it was ever about the science in the first place. Sam has shown a glimmer of sense but they’ll still push for passports, mandatory vaccines etc

In Jiangxi authorities turned all traffic lights red to halt movement after a single case was identified – its first in almost two years.


Wait until he gets stuck into climate change.

I walked the little one to school this morning and, because of covid, you’re not allowed let them in the school grounds until 845 as they don’t want them mixing.

So now you have basically the entire school hanging around the footpath around the corner from the school. They’re mingling more than if they were left into their rooms. Because of this, parents are now having to wait for fear the kids pour out off the footpath into traffic so you’ve even more congregating!

Counterintuitive to the extreme.

Some of them are in too far, they now know they were wrong, they know they have been made mugs out of but the humiliation of publicly acknowledging that is too much.





Jesus!! Hahahah!!

I wonder is it that he’s not wearing the mask when driving which I could see an issue with. Or is it he’s not wearing the mask at the school grounds when he is stood outside?

The instruction from the school is parents should have masks when dropping at the school gates even tho that doesn’t line up with govt instruction. Farcical situation.

Sam will be signing off at 9:05 and signing on at 9:45.

But the schools can absolve themselves of blame so its great.

The whole charade has shown how common sense has gone out the window and the idiotic position is taken if it allows to those in power to wash their hands of responsibility.

What were the last few bits of good news you posted?