Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

These two buddy

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Fair fucking play to him. Like everyone he’s trying to do his job the best he can but people love the power to report people of tiny issues. No wonder the black and tans did so well here.


I love the way he starts it as an ambling chat style before moving into full poison rant mode.
The moment he says ‘some fucking pretext…’ you know he’s got an edge. Brilliant.


‘Ye can hope yeer masks protect your fucking children from the lurries that fly up and down that road…’

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He’ll get a better job driving a HGV. And the parents will be left without a bus driver.

I doubt it, pal.

All predicted months ago, simply through taking thought.

The country responsible for the Delta variant was done with Covid according to a certain poster. Said poster is patting himself on the back for being right despite clear evidence he’s got everything horrifically wrong since this started. God bless the internet. Gives us a good chuckle from time to time.


The south-west, the region most affected by the scandal, and which appeared to be bucking the trend of the rest of the country, with (artificially) low case rates early in October, is now at the centre of the UK’s epidemic. Unsurprisingly, the impact of telling thousands of people they were not infectious and could go about their daily business has been devastating. This will lead to tens of thousands of unnecessary illnesses, further increasing pressure on hospitals in the region and ultimately costing lives.

As predicted, eliminating the ‘pingdemic’ (aka '‘rolling lockdown’) was not the breeze certain people here vouchsafed.

Clear unideological pragmatic thought is important.

It’s not really a chuckling matter though. The delusion and infallibility complex that poster displays online is likely the tip of the iceberg as regards far larger psychological problems offline.

It was reported recently that the prevalence of psychosis - which includes living in a self-constructed alternate reality - has increased significantly in the population. The usual suspects on this forum would be a right demonstration of that.

Look mate, you’re just not smart enough to understand the stupidity of it all.

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I disagree. Vitamin d sales have spiked…even sceptics like @Malarkey have been horsing it into them. Surely you’ve ensured adequate vitamin d levels yourself?

It has started.

There was a doctor on RTE Radio 1 this morning who was asked if there should be further restrictions. He replied by saying that “With proper community policies the need for booster jabs could be prevented.” I didn’t get his name because I switched over immediately.

In other words the government think it’s easier to just lock down the population than do the job that they should have done months ago. The notion of vaccines as a way out of restrictions will be quietly dropped - the future propaganda will be that restrictions are a way of preventing vaccines.

They probably have the lockdown planned for before the end of the month but the sole cause of it is their delay on boosters and they’ll be surprised by how poor the compliance is. It won’t be like before.

I need to accept the inevitable.

I do seriously wonder though if I would prefer at this stage just living in a place like Texas or Florida with no nationalised healthcare whatsoever. The people there fuck each other over non-stop but the plus side is that there’s zero tolerance for parasites.

So lockdowns and vaccines have been ineffective against the spread of Covid.

In countries like India, Sweden and South Afrcia, Covid spikes fell drastically without implementing widespread lockdowns. In European countries, draconian lockdowns and excessive restrictions had little impact on the spread of the virus in the winter season.

The only argument you could make is vaccines may have been successful in helping older and more vulnerable people but they have been wholly ineffective in categories not at risk but we won’t really know until this winter passes.

Lockdowns and vaccines were the the strategy out of this, they threw everything into this, both have been abhorrent failures. The virus clearly is very seasonal.

The vaccines are shite mate. WTF does a healthy u40 need a vaccine for something that has a 1 in 40k chance of killing them?

Lockdowns wont be accepted again and they know this. The money simply isn’t there anymore to bribe folks to stay inside anyway.

I’ve got my own personal sun. Got it off Amazon.

The UK has been knocking around 30k-50k cases per day since June. Those numbers never collapsed like another one of the usual suspects predicted triumphantly they would (basic knowledge of epidemiological curves made that collapse in numbers inevitable, you see - or not, as it turned out).

This here is a key point.

Why do we expect cases to peak in mid-November? What will make them fall?

On the one hand, the positive hand, we may hope and expect boosters to be rolled out.

We may hope that as the virus rips through children (a disastrous development in and of itself), we may arrive at a situation - an intended side effect - where there are no more unvaccinated, non-immune lower age groups to drive the pandemic.

But on the other hand, the negative hand, it appears unvaccinated so called “natural immunity” - particular in younger age groups, is unlikely to be worth very much. McConkey refers to unvaccinated children who catch Covid being “immune” for six to eight weeks. That’s effectively nothing.

The wider evidence would suggest that unvaccinated so called “natural immunity” in any group is unlikely to be worth much.

We are as good as at a no restrictions situation now. And we are at the beginning of a long winter. That means that whatever positive effects boosters or so called “natural immunity” have are likely to be more than cancelled out by continued driving of the pandemic by the unvaccinated, as well as a large number of breakthrough cases, particularly as the time gap since most people’s second vaccine dose grows and grows.

That would mean we face at least four or five months of cases knocking around the 2,500-4,000 ballpark daily, possibly more.

And then there are the possible, nay probable emergence of new variants or at least more transmissible strains of Delta. Any analysis which doesn’t factor this in is not an analysis which has done any sort of due diligence.

The best precautions you can take against Covid is living a healthy lifestlye.

It’s gas that we have a combination of fatties, smokers, drug abusers, heavy drinkers and unemployed posters (some covering all 5 bases) pontificating about what other need to do to protect people like them, who don’t seem to want to make any proactive steps themselves.

I’d imagine that might ruffle a few chaps but sometimes the truth hurts.

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There’s so little tolerance for parasites in Texas and Florida that the world’s biggest parasites keep being elected to run these places.