Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

McConkey has picked the figure 6 to 8 weeks natural immunity from where exactly? It’s a central part of your argument in that post. Care to back it up? Plenty of other often contradictory research from all over the world about how long natural immunity lasts, but I’ve not seen anything that low.
This is from healthine


You’re having another meltdown, go for a swim.

That type of sensationalism would be worthy of a journalist working for The Sun :clap:

And in the near two weeks since that was written, cases have fallen and hospitalisations stalled.

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You can hear he was trying to keep his cool but he was thinking out loud at how clueless the parents were that according to guidelines the children will have to stand by a busy road so they wouldn’t mix in the yard but the parents were more worried about him wearing a mask and infecting little Johnny with a disease that has a high probability of not effecting him

They still rely on pigeons to carry the news in Kilkenny :rofl:
No one even talks about this covid shite on the mainland, I thought all these face nappy wearing, hypochondriac freaks would have moved onto cop26 over in spudland

Can we get vaccine passports for animals?

McConkey is certainly not the only person saying that unvaccinated children who catch Covid are likely to develop very little immunity.

Even in adults, unvaccinated “natural immunity” is not worth very much. Median time to reinfection is estimated at 16/17 months by Jeffrey Townsend’s study.

That’s not near good enough if we have designs of actually getting out of this pandemic.

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I don’t care where you got it, just so long as you’re following my advice

I couldn’t be arsed listening to the thing but his job isn’t to rant about the guidelines or worry about the busy road his job his to drive the bus and wear his mask while he does it.

You know me, pal, I hang on your every word. Sometimes I actually feel like hanging myself but I’ve resisited the impulse, so far.

An answer of sorts. Not to my question obviously but moving the goalposts a bit. So a couple of things about the article you posted.
It does state kids lose antibodies much quicker. It gives a figure of 50% of kids after 4 months… a hell of a lot longer than your 6-8 weeks argument.
It hypothesises that their levels drop quicker because they were more likely to have been asymptomatic or have had very minor symptoms when originally infected… that’s a pretty massive half full glass right there! We need to be really worried about kids catching this a second time because…ehhh… it does so little damage to them! That’s brilliant sure.


You couldn’t be arsed listening to it but you were fully arsed to give your opinion on the thing you couldn’t be arsed about… that’s fine logic.


Too miserable to buy a rope

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perhaps you should so can hear what the real issue being raised is.

We already have that for many years now.

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He wouldn’t ever be one to let facts or evidence get in the way of his opinion


It’s easy to see how you’ve managed to maintain your ignorance and lack of empathy


Its more hes seething that people go over his head to complain rather than say it to his face. Of hes in the whats app they have his number and could have had a word with him first. Look we are all supposed to follow guildlines but don’t on occasions.