Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


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Anyone know if Sergio Augero is fully vaxx and with what dose?


I took it that he was pissed off at the hypocrisy that they could jeopardise his job over safety/mask when he’s the one conscious of their safety and, unlike some of parents, not just letting the kids unsupervised at the side of a road- a far more unsafe situation.

The disparity between safety from mask and safety from a moving truck lost on the parents.

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I didn’t argue 6-8 weeks. McConkey did. What I am sure about is he likely isn’t plucking such a figure out of his arse.

Sure lots of kids won’t be badly affected by Covid. That isn’t an argument for letting it rip through them. Because plenty will be badly affected - we already know that - and we also don’t know the long term implications of what is a mass medical experiment. You can dice it up any way you like, but letting Covid rip through the unvaccinated young is a mass medical experiment, and in my view grotesque and unethical. Not one of the blowhards who has raised illiterate “concerns” about vaccines has admitted it is such.

And yes we do also need to be worried about children getting it from the point of view, of, you know, ending the pandemic. If children are continually getting Covid that means Covid is continually present in the community and we keep getting the same uncertainty and disruption that is still bedevilling us.

Children right down to 0 will 100% need to get vaccinated if we are to have a chance of getting back to anything like normal.

We need to accept that winter lockdowns are a thing now to protect our health system. Get out now and enjoy yourself before the restrictions are imposed at end of November til end of January.

Genuinely hard to fault anything he said there. “Richard Chambers, the fake news hack. Welcome to Waterford.” :rofl:

Textbook Waterford accent.

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This position makes no sense. It’s at complete odds with the role that the angiotensin-converting enzyme II receptor plays in pathogenesis, and it is in direct contravention to proper public health practices. Any parent even contemplating putting their child forward for a covid vaccine is playing fast and loose with their child’s well-being.


I should have said “Waherford”

How does it make no sense?

The unvaccinated drive the pandemic.

The principle of vaccinating children is no different to the principle of vaccinating adults.

And we vaccinate children for all sorts of stuff.

If you’re against vaccinating children for Covid then the logical follow on is to be against vaccinating children for anything.

That’s a view you’re entitled to hold, but it’s a completely wrong view.

At some point the “natural immunity” cultists are just going to have to bow to reality. Reality disputes what they preach.

Vaccination is the only responsible choice.

Was Chambers patient zero?

I thought that would get a bite alright :smiley:

Hello pot.

‘I felt if I walked like a duck and quacked like a duck people might call me a duck!’ ‘Ha. Take that duck whistlers’ !

I have the duck whistlers hopping like sausages in a pan.

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You simply need look at the role that the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor plays in pathogenesis and factor in children. There are peer-reviewed papers on this very subject.

This is a rather intolerant, but altogether incorrect view. People drive the pandemic. The vaccine does not stop infection or transmission. In fact, the batshit crazy decisions being made by the government (off the back of advice from NPHET) have resulted in scenarios such as the following:

Married couple with a teenage child, all vaccinated. Mother gets sick and tests positive for covid. Husband, who works in a hospital, tests negative and is cleared to go to work. Child is cleared to attend school.

Knowing full well that vaccinated easily spread covid, how can you stand over mindless mismanagement like this and claim “the unvaccinated drive the pandemic”?

Correct. You vaccinate people in order to help provide immunity before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening illnesses. Covid is not a potentially life-threatening illness for children, and this is 100% supported by real world data. With or without the vaccine, children can still transmit the virus, but they will not get a life-threatening illness. There may be very rare exceptions to this, but those are exceptions to the rule and would be deemed to be cases that warrant deep studies to understand fully.

No. “We” don’t. Parents decide, through consultation with their GPs, what infectious diseases they should vaccinate their kids against. Some form part of routine childhood immunisation programmes, and others do not; the chickenpox vaccine being a prime example.

That’s a logical fallacy, if you don’t mind me saying so. I am 100% against giving young children the covid jabs because it is not a potentially life-threatening illness for them, it carries multiple risk factors, and it provides no protection to the community. I am 100% in favour of giving safe and effective vaccines to children that are at risk of potentially life-threatening illnesses, where the benefits can be shown to outweigh the risks.

I don’t hold that view because, as I outlined, it’s a logical fallacy. I have applied critical thinking skills to the proposal to vaccinate young children, and I am happy to stand over my views. It is a ridiculous idea.


You do. Sure I wouldn’t hurl whistles to ducks.

I’m almost certain you wouldn’t, you’d be highly unlikely to do that.