Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


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Have Sweden stopped counting cases?
You were happy to quote their aggregated death stats and misrepresent them until you were pulled up on it by the fruit loops :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

They have pretty much given up trying to count them accurately.

Europe’s highest Covid rates were mostly in the eastern part of the continent. And surprise, surprise, they’re exploding in that part of the continent again - ie. the so called “natural immunity” “argument” was bunkum. As was always obvious it was.

But Sweden is apparently magically different from the rest of the continent.

At least say youse lot.

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If you stopped counting cases and just focused on hospitalisations and deaths would it still be a pandemic.

Given vaccine breaks link between infection and serious illness why are cases still being counted as a main metric. It’s different to a year ago pre vaccine.


Everything flows from cases. The link is not broken. It is weakened.

If you decide to stop counting cases or to reduce testing, your policy is to lose control of the pandemic.

I’d like to hear anybody make a serious argument for why losing control of the pandemic is a good thing.

Nobody will.

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I just don’t understand where these people were when winter flu ravaged the health service every year.

Obviously Covid was a jazzy new thing they could jump on to feed their narcissistic tendencies. Yet they cared little about flu when it overwhelmed the health service, caused deaths and serious illnesses.

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The issue is no longer lack of capacity in the health system. The HSE was responsible you see.

It’s too much demand. Public are responsible you see.


As I’ve said for quite some time.

Imagine we mass tested for flu every year
Imagine we counted every death with a positive case of flu within a defined period of time as a flu death

We do this for Covid, imagine the results if we did it for flu.

The deaths last winter in the north were at a similar number to the deaths in 17/18 Winter flu season. Nobody batted an eyelid in 17/18 though, flu obviously wasn’t a sexy enough name to cause hysteria.

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You propose deliberately upping demand.

What are the arguments for that?

If flu had the same marketing budget as covid it could really make inroads.

Get a good PR team behind it and the right brand ambassadors and it could knock Covid right off its perch.

Flu is a stale old brand. Need to get AOS and the Tiktok generation to sex it up.

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Some effort from the denialist circle jerkers this morning, to be fair. The PMs must be flying. :grinning:

The virus hipsters don’t want to know about flu. It could kill thousands but there’s no kudos to be made off of pretending to care about public health when it’s flu.

Once Covid is done there needs to be a very strong stance taken on obesity.


The restauranteurs accused of killing thousands in Ireland last winter by the tubby WFH crew ordering McDonald’s on Deliveroo.



Seems the actual data doesn’t tally up with the narrative.

Seems that 73% of those hostpitalised were actually fully vaccinated, not 75% unvaccinated. This is the type of misinformation and propaganda vaccine fascists are dealing with.

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some dumb pol (update: Colm Burke) getting ripped on PK right now, Pat and Verona schooling him

cc @glenshane

Only 3 deaths in the u50 category in that period and one of them was fully vaccinated. :grimacing:

80% of deaths were fully vaccinated. I think around 80% of the population is fully vaccinated up north. Where’s the correlation vaccines save lives?

He’s not anti-vaxx but… :laughing: