Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

He used to get very upset when he was labelled anti-vaxx not so long ago

Deaths in the north 1st Oct - 2nd Nov 2020 - 152
Deaths in the north 1st Oct - 2nd Nov 2021 - 133

Can somebody explain to me again the effectiveness of the vaccine rollout?

I’m not anti-vax. I’m open minded, you’re a dimwit who gets embarrassed when the data shows you’re a mug who gets duped at the flick of the finger.

Any of our vaccine fascists like to field this one?

I see when you ask the right questions, it scares the vaccine fascists away. They won’t be able to deal with this one with truthful facts anyway.

People are not living under restrictions or cocooning.

Desperate state of affairs when a man can’t go out and drink ten pints of stout without making a pig of himself with a substantial nine euro meal

I posted this the other day and you ran off.

Two highly vaccinated countries vs. the one who gave away their vaccines to us.


I’m putting it down to vitamin d deficiency. The vaccines have made lads complacent

Neither were they that time last year.

Except they were. There were widespread restrictions in NI during that period. People were voluntarily cocooning.

The data you yourself are posting shows a disproportionate impact of unvaccinated person on deaths. It’s not rocket science really.

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The data I’ve showed has shown that over 80% of deaths were fully vaccinated. That’s around the same % of the population that is fully vaccinated so the point you are making is utterly false and incorrect.

They were? That’s quite speculative.

This is factual. There were widespread restrictions in NI over the summer period and into September and October. Older and more at risk people were also shielding to a significant degree.

The data you have posted shows a disproportionate amount of deaths from the unvaccinated. If there were more unvaccinated, there would be more deaths. This is why you are unable to answer why these curves are so dramatically different.

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I’m just showing you the information in the north and the death numbers are very steady with last year in terms of number of deaths and age ranges impacted.

You can try and deflect all you want from that but the information is there.

This also makes a mockery of the study you posted up yesterday.


73% of hospitalisations were fully vaccinated people, 80% of deaths were fully vaccinated. Death numbers are steady with this time last year, the proof will be in the pudding come January.

You can’t read your own chart. It shows unvaccinated persons are a disproportionate number of hospitalisations and deaths per 100k.

You cannot explains why the U.K. & Ireland’s curves are so much lower than Romania- why not? I mean the answer is in the data you posted yourself but maybe put the thinking hat on.

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I am well able to read it, you clearly can’t.

It shows that vaccinated people make up the vast majority of hospital admissions and deaths despite numerous studies and reports trying to mislead us with different narratives. You’re clearly not intelligent enough to examine the studies you post up.

The numbers show us Covid deaths are in line with what they were this time last year.

Actually I have to hold my hands up here.

I was comparing Covid deaths from the 13th September - 10th October 2021 with Covid deaths 1st October 2021 - 2nd November 2021.

13th Sept - 10th Oct
There are 133 deaths for the period this year. (pre vaccination) 2021
There were 27 deaths for the period last year. (post vaccination) 2020

5x the Covid deaths this year as opposed to last year. Answers on a postcard.

You seem to piss the key stat line there. Look at the per 100k over to the right like a good lad.

You have made two statements on the virus in the last couple of days. One is that is the virus has spread like wildfire and that it is seasonal to a degree. That is correct.

But despite that, you seem unable to answer as to why Romania (who also have a seasonal element) are clocking up over 400 deaths a day now vs. 40-60 this time last year? Any idea?

Why if the virus has spread like wildfire, are deaths so low vs. other periods when it had spread like wildfire in Ireland and the U.K.?

The answer is in the data you’ve posted, vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of mortality from Covid-19.


So what?

The numbers are worse this year than they were this time last year.

Pubs and hospitality was open throughout that period last year.

Nope, it doesn’t say anything of the sort. Only a crackpot could come to your conclusion there. The data has said that Covid is more rampant this year than last year with not a huge difference in restrictions.