Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Emmm, I think you need to revisit the data as that is utterly false. You need to compare the two period in questions, there are 5x the number of Covid deaths in 2021 as there were in the same period of 2020.

Factually incorrect. They closed down in NI at a point during that period and were under far more severe restrictions when open. Restrictions were also broader than just hospitality.

Why are Romania’s deaths a multiple now than last year and the peak or their pandemic? Why are deaths in the U.K. and Ireland so low?

The data literally says that. Are you unable to read?


The hospitality in the north shut on the 17th October, that period is the 13th Sept - 10th Oct.

Seeing as you seem to be a bit thick.

100/133 = 75% of deaths have been fully vaccinated people. That’s more or less in line with the % of population fully vaccinated.

13.2 per 100k of unvaccinated people dead.
8.2 of fully vaccinated persons.

It’s all there for you.

Why are Romania’s deaths at peak pandemic?

You seem to be ignoring 75% of deaths were fully vaccinated? What part of that do you struggle to understand?

Non vaccinated persons were a disproportionate number of deaths in NI. Fact.

Why are Romania’s deaths so high?

Once again. Utterly incorrect.

The lowest death tally came from the least vaccinated cohort.

The death rate of unvaccinated to vaccinated is steady with the vaccinated rate. You don’t understand what you’re saying. I had to point out the absurdity of the study you put up for your yesterday, I won’t always be here to point out your stupidity and inability to grasp data.


Now answer why Romania’s deaths are peak pandemic?

Will ye shake hands lads?


Thank goodness for vaccines.

You cut out the bit of the chart that shows 75% of deaths are vaccinated.

Truth hurt?

The stats are what they are, the partially and unvaccinated make up a disproportionate number of deaths with vaccines preventing significant number of deaths.

Why does Romania have so many deaths?


75% of deaths are vaccinated in that period, in line with the vaccination rate.

This is excellent news. The public overwhelmingly trust the safe and effective vaccines. They see they work.

That 95k is a quarter of the remaining eligible population which hadn’t been vaccinated.

A disproportionate number of unvaccinated and partially vaccinated people have died. Fact.



75% of people who died in that time period were vaccinated.
66% is the vaccinated level

So it’s not disproportionate, it actually runs the opposite way when it comes to the vaccination level. More vaccinated people are dying proportionately than unvaccinated.

Vaccination take up in the most vulnerable groups is basically 100% you moron.