Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Incorrect. Per 100k, unvaccinated people are dying in greater numbers.

Most highly vulnerable people are vaccinated, this also skews the numbers.

Fact, a lot more people would be dead right now without vaccines.

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You ignored my last post Tim.

The one that shows 66% of the population are fully vaccinated yet 75% of deaths in the most recent period were fully vaccinated. You know the one that contradicts your incorrect assertion that unvaccinated people are proportionately represented in deaths.

If you are going to keep pedalling misinformation you’ll only serve to show your true intentions. Cropping tables to exclude the bits that show you up as a liar isn’t a good look.

The penny still not dropped with him?

When the dime drops with the slow learners than age and health are the key factors with the virus and not vaccination I’ll be here to remind you of all the time you argued black was white with me.

Excellent stuff.
The vaccines doing their job.


And the deaths are highest in the most vaccinated cohorts. :grinning:

13.2 and 11 per 100k have died of Covid either not vaccinated or partially vaccinated. 8.2 per 100k have died who are fully vaccinated.

The stats are the stats. Lives were lost needlessly for not getting vaccinated.

The vaccines doing an excellent job of preventing serious disease despite the explosion in cases, great stuff.

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75% of deaths have been vaccinated people in the most recent period.
66% of the population are vaccinated.

Any chance you’d address that?

The proportion of people unvaccinated and partially vaccinated come from younger and healthier populations. They are a disproportionate numbers of deaths. The vaccines have done a brilliant job in preventing deaths with for example, 155 per 100k and 57 per 100k of 70-79 unvaccinated and partially vaccinated during vs. just 18 per 100k. Incredible stuff.

We are still waiting for you to answer why Romanian deaths are at their peak now. Any suggestions?


He prefers US currency, as would be expected given he gets his views from right-wing loon US websites.

Swabs back up

Are you still ignoring your blatant lies earlier?

Not only is that not a fact Tim, it’s as big a porkie as one can tell.

Latest period of Covid deaths - 75% vaccinated.
Vaccination rate - 66%


Would this be of any assistance?

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Clearly it shows that it’s not vaccination status that is the issue, it’s age.

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I’ve just edited the image to include the info on what each colour represents. It would seem to me, as an uneducated fool, that vaccination or non-vaccination does make something of a difference, especially among the older cohort.

You would be making the mistake of not looking at the actual numbers.

75% of deaths in the period above are vaccinated.
66% of the population is vaccinated.

The issue is not vaccination, it’s age and health status. Why people want to deflect away from this is anyone’s guess. Maybe they’re a bit miffed that these super vaccines have achieved very little.

Why are the least vaccinated cohort yielding the least deaths?
And the most vaccinated cohorts yielding the most deaths?
If you can address those questions you have your answer.

Here’s the numbers for period of the chart above.

And as with your table the fully vaxxed deaths vastly out number the unvaxxed deaths.

However, that doesn’t match the chart which is on the same page of the website. I can think of no explanation for that other than there is some error. But then I’m no statistician or expert on charts and tables.
So without some reasonable explanation of the anomaly it can be argued either way.