Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

There was a noticeable uptick in mothers wearing masks at the school gates today.
People are rattled.

Thatā€™s because the chart is manipulated per case per specific age category.

When you look at the actual data, you get the actual results.

If you answer these questions it should clear things up for you.

Why are the least vaccinated cohort yielding the least deaths?
And the most vaccinated cohorts yielding the most deaths?
If you can address those questions you have your answer

Iā€™m sure that means something significant but not to me.

I agree that the numbers on the table are incredibly concerning but not only do they not tally with the chart, they donā€™t tally with the ā€œrate per 100kā€ either.
Thereā€™s something amiss and Iā€™d like to see an explanation for it.

The chart was manipulated, silly.

You wonā€™t answer the questions. I suppose you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

Why post that when you yourself earlier said that few under 40 did and they make up the bulk of that unvaccinated number?

Why are Romaniaā€™s deaths so high? You refuse to answer the question.

Couldnā€™t tell you anything about Romania, mate.

I was in the office with my entire team yesterday for the first time since March 2020. I travelled in and out of town on the DART and folksā€™ carry on with masks put me in mind of truculent school pupils being forced to wear a neat tie in class and then opening up the top shirt button to ruffle it up at break time. A load of folk fishing around for them as the DART arrived and kinda grudgingly wearing them (some revealing their noses!) before quickly dispensing with them on platforms etc with a bit of a flourish.

We had a team call the day before to talk through return to office protocols. There was a self declaration form, the standard type youā€™ve all probably seen. Do you have Covid? Have you had Covid in the last 14 days? Do you have Covid symptoms? Have been in close contact with a confirmed Covid case within the last 14 days? And so on and so on. Basically, any ā€œyesā€ and youā€™re not let in the building. One of the lads piped up and said heā€™d a head cold and a cough was coming on too, but it wasnā€™t too bad. He asked if it was okay to put down ā€œyesā€ for the symptoms question but come into the office anyway. I wondered to myself had he been hiding under a rock for the past 20 months.


Why not?

Here is some info.

They have just 21% of over 80s and 40% of over 18s vaccinated.
They have record breaking death numbers.
Deaths are 90% of the unvaccinated.

Are you still claiming that the vaccines donā€™t impact mortality?

Heā€™s played that beautifully.

Can you prove that?

Because depending on what you use, the table of the deaths, of the deaths per 100k or the chart, you come up with different answers.

Iā€™m not on the same side of the argument as you but Iā€™m not going to be entirely selective with the numbers I use, which you are prepared to be.
And this is not a ditch Iā€™m dying in to win an argument on the Internet. Iā€™m sort of more interested in getting to the bottom of what seems to me to be an anomaly.

I couldnā€™t tell you anything about Romania, not really interested in Romania either.

They all died.

Yes, highlighted below.

You should answer the questions posed to you. I think we can read into you not being willing to answer this. It might be that it shows the people trying to pin this on vaccination status are inherently dishonest.

Coward running away when it suits. Romania are at peak deaths with unvaccinated persons driving those deaths- facts.

Letā€™s turn to Russia where you appear to be well informed about Sputnik.

Why are Russiaā€™s deaths at their peak?

Showing unvaccinated and partially vaccinated persons are at a higher risk. Thanks for posting.

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That possibility was considered afterwards but we discounted it.

You keep on talking about Romania pal. I donā€™t know why you want me to talk about them. Iā€™ve never been there, donā€™t really have interest in there.

Why are Russiaā€™s deaths at their peak?

Ah! So thatā€™s news to you. OK. You havenā€™t been paying attention this last 18 months then. Though maybe anybody who is now claimung they didnā€™t know this previously is being a tad dishonest. Does the table not have the same stipulation?

I think this shows you didnā€™t read my reply above. Itā€™s a problem you seem to have, you are too focused on firing out your response to what you think somebody said that you donā€™t take the time to read what they actually said.