Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Great to see, the vaccines do a great job at preventing serious illness and death.

Nope, itā€™s a manipulation of the information that you seemed to be unaware of. Glad to help you out but as I said earlier, you can only bring a horse to water, you cannot make him drink.

This could turn out to be some bluff by the vaccines. Like a canny poker player or a pool shark theyve allowed the clamour about them being useless to rise beforeā€¦ boomā€¦ theyā€™ll prove their effectiveness with dropping deaths and hospitalisation and weā€™ll have ourselves a meaningful little Christmas.

Which is also used in the table.

Now hereā€™s the real question that all you anti-vaxxers and Covid deniers have to answer. Why?

Why are the majority of experts in the fields of virology, immunology, epidemiology, Pubic Health, right across the world conspiring to feed us false information?


Another day, another 300 posts. I donā€™t know how ye do it


You ignore the important part in the table though.

Iā€™m not anti-vaxxer, Iā€™m neutral, I just fail to see a compelling argument for vaccination when you look at the data. Why do all you vaccine fascists try to mislabel people who donā€™t swallow what their fed?


If you have to ask then I really worry.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy knows more than the experts. I want to believe him but heā€™s going to have start proving it soon.


Youā€™re either deluded or dishonest.

So all these experts are colluding to make $$$$$$ Iā€™d be interested to know just how theyā€™re actually cashing in on this. And who masterminded this conspiracy?
I mean it would be some job to get hundreds maybe thousands of academics to all start singing from the same hymn sheet at the same time would it not?

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Iā€™m honest, you on the other hand are fanatical.

How do you think they are cashing in on it? Who shows on tv, radio and newspaper columns at every turn, who do Big Pharma companies usually buy off?

I think you should have a look at the long history of big pharma buying off medical doctors and scientists to flog their dangerous drugs.

But I donā€™t think a fanatical like you has any interest in open discussion.

There are at least 15 posters here who know more than the experts. Fearless truth seekers all of them. Weā€™re so lucky to have them.

The scientific worldā€™s loss is TFKā€™s gain.


Itā€™s not that hard when your paycheck depends on singing from the same hymn sheet.

Numerous academics have been fired in the US for questioning any aspect of the official narrative, even when the official narrative is blatant lies.


This is the sort of society @theblackspot wants to live in.

Complete and utter totalitarianism to a fanatical level.

Full conspiracist. The scientific worldā€™s loss truly is TFKā€™s gain.

Ah! Of course. And youā€™re definitely not an anti-vaxxer, covid denying, Trump supporting racist. Cheers.

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Correct, Iā€™m not. But you are an utter simpleton, that is not in doubt.

Heā€™s a ā€œmoderate centristā€. :joy:

Sure he got the vaccine. :rofl:

@Tierneevin1979 was actually very pro-vaccine from the outset but to be fair to him, he hasnā€™t been dogmatic and has had an open mind as more information became available.

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Iā€™m so fanatical, I posted a table which contradicted what I had believed and queried how it could be different from the chart drawn for the same period. You should know this. You replied to my post. :man_facepalming:


It didnā€™t contradict anything I said. You merely ignored the part where it has the actual numbers which stated 75% of deaths in the most recent period had been fully vaccinated. The vaccination rate is 66%. I asked you to address that but you refused to, such is your fanaticism.

Whereas you, as you have admitted yourself, are an ignorant jackass.