Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

That’s correct. I didn’t say it had. I said it contradicted what I believed. Some fanatic, heh?

So you now accept the propaganda being spread about the unvaccinated is false.

That it’s age and health which is the driver, not vaccination status?

See, once again, you read what you want to see. I posted a chart and a table which showed contradictory figures and queried how this could be. But because the table, in general, supported your position you defended it and criticised the chart. You ignored the part of the table (the rate per 100k part) which didn’t support your position and ignored @Tim_Riggins when he drew your attention to it.

There are some of us here who don’t claim to be experts and who are not conspiracy theorists. For the most part, the anti-vaxxers, covid denying wing of tfk are those who have recently specialised in virology etc. They’re the sort of “experts” it’s best not to pay too much attention to.


Self deprecating humor is healthy, as is having an open mind and not being a sheep.

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It was even funnier because it was true. I hope it did wonders for your health.

Bump for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy appears quite knowledgeable about Sputnik.

Sputnik stole the blueprints from astra zeneco. No wonder it didn’t live up to expectations

Great stuff Verona Murphy. That egg headed prick Donnelly is some cunt.


Vincent Browne is badly missed. Donnelly was under pressure there. The standard of journalism now is appalling. Very few exceptions.

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Vinnie would have racist spoofers like Verona Murphy bang to rights.

Is she a racist?

Have you something to back that assertion up?

It is an awful thing to say about someone otherwise.

I suppose this is what you get when you put a cokehead over the health service

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Oh Verona’s not a racist, definitely not. Just like @Tierneevin1979 and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy aren’t. :grin:

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Don’t engage with the anti-Russian racist mate.

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Thou doth protest too much… :grinning:

nice to see our bossman have a1/1 with naftali bennett at the nonsense climate summitt
As ive said before Ireland and Israel are two very similar countries from a population persepctive and also whose economy is reliant on FDI from the same tech companies. (we also have similar deranged property booms but in israel they are still waiting for 2008…)
makes sense that we are fully aligned on matters like this


That Donnelly is an awful creep.


Elbow bump only

I notice @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy still won’t address Russia’s soaring deaths.

Ireland and Israel are natural friends.