Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The vaccines are working unreal.

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SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN :sweden::sweden::sweden:

The vaccines are something else.

What are the Germans at?

25% unvaccinated

What age group? Arenā€™t we at 20 percent unvaccinated if you include under 12s.

Imagine if they had a similar climate to soain, cypress etc, theyā€™d be done with covid altogether

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Never mind Cyprus

Would ye simpletons ever just delete those twitters apps to fuck and get busier living?

Droopy Dog had generalised anxiety disorder

I would never, ever have suspected @Tierneevin1979 is a woman. :grinning:

Back yesterday from 8 days in Lanzarote it felt like being back in a time machine in 2019 compared to here bars restaurants packed and guess what despite the thousands of tourists they averaged 10 cases a day while we were there now I got after living and myself and Mrs Bod had a fantastic time. Get after enjoying yourselves everyone.


Went to Nancy Blakeā€™s late bar in Limerick on Friday night. Myself and three friends were at our designated table in the outdoor courtyard, enjoying ourselves and decided we wanted to dance. Bear in mind we didnā€™t move even two feet from our table.

One of the Nancyā€™s staff promptly approached us to inform us ā€œthis isnā€™t a nightclub, there is no dancing allowedā€. I initially thought he was joking only to then realise he was serious. We had not been dancing with other people and had remained around our table the whole time.

I could not believe what I was hearing. They might as well have turned off the music and told everyone to leave. Iā€™m just sorry we didnā€™t continue dancing, I would have been happier being thrown out rather than listen to his shite.

If pubs with outdoor courtyards donā€™t even allow people to dance at their own tables, then we might as well just close them all up and wallow in the misery that is this pandemic. If I never step foot in Nancy Blakes again, I honestly would not cry any tears. It was like something out of Soviet Russia. Their craic police spoiled what had been hitherto a great night.

This has turned into a very sad country almost overnight. Iā€™m very much pro-vaccine but the Covid zealots have taken it too far.


More questions than answers here, but Iā€™m giving that a like regardless


@Enrique have you heard this? Something needs to be done! This is appalling nanny state behaviour. It wonā€™t be long before security staff have the pepper spray in your face for venturing to the jukebox.


While Iā€™ve sympathy for your frustration with nonsensical rules Iā€™m baffled by why youā€™d want to dance on your own in Nancy Blakes.


I wasnā€™t aware that if you tested positive with a PCR test you could just go get another one if you wanted to travel. Noted with interest.


Thereā€™s even a clinical procedure in place that allows it.

Can you just keep at it until you get the result you want?