Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

All of whom had far more draconian restrictions including long term school closures. The other Nordic countries and specifically Norway looked rationally on Sweden’s response and took the best of it including on schools. The irrationality of the debate is the issue here.

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Kind of debunks the theory that the border counties are driving high case numbers.


Being locked up 18 months might have been a factor.


Good. Could you elaborate a little as to the actual discussion? Like did you just suggest it and then you all got to your feet, or was it more of a spontaneous decision?

Everyone in Monaghan has already been infected.

Why does anyone decide to dance when they’ve drink in them :joy:

I’m not criticising you. I’m just trying to imagine how three lads reached the decision to get up and have a dance around their table. It’s the ‘decision’ bit that interests me…like did ye have a discussion or anything? Would other groups of lads have been dancing round their tables?


Others tried but were also censored by the craic police.

You’re overthinking this one. Have some lunch and come back later :slightly_smiling_face:


Could some Monaghan people have gotten their jabs in the north and not be counted?

Yeah probably.

Anyone at the bar in the Outback for the tequila song?

Used to be pulled for dancin pre covid in Nancys so nothing has changed.

‘Draconian’ measures that saved thousands of lives.

This is the bravest post I’ve ever seen on TFK, I fear it will follow you around forever,


Nah, you have the roaster gene

No call for the sarcasm mate

Unless you’re grinding up against a potential partner or doing a Cossack dance to honour Ozan Kabak, dancing is a nonsense.

A potential superspreader event

Except for in Norway they used the evidence of Sweden to keep primary schools open.

Prof Tomas Ryan would be on the vinegar strokes reading that.