Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

But they would have been stuck inside for a year.

Bad news for the Guardian


The LA county sheriff talking a lot of sense here.

Thereā€™s already a huge exodus from California

Maybe it was just my young ladā€™s school that was open then. If you place more importance of number of days that schools were open ahead of fatalities then yes Sweden had a better pandemic than Norway.

Tegnell used the old mentaller chestnut of 'protect the elderly and vulnerable ā€™ but we all know itā€™s just code for let it rip. Tegnell and and another hero of yours Sunetra Gupta were the people Bojo brought in for advice on how to ā€˜protect the elderly and vulnerableā€™.

Totally agree! Please do whatever you can or youā€™ll spend your last living weekends in torture like the downtrodden below :sob:


Your young lads school was closed. All schools in Ireland were closed from March 2020 to August 2020. You are wrong.

I didnā€™t say Sweden had a better pandemic than Norway, why do you continue to lie?


School buildings were closed but classes continued remotely.

The way you go on youā€™d swear they were shut for ages. An extended mid term break.

With no Leaving Cert

I know, jammy gits.

I like the new Green party policy of just keep testing people until they get a negative result. Could solve the covid crisis very quickly


Just had a positive case confirmed in our house. 9 year old with it. Has it in a bad way too. Awful cough and serious temperature. Only for she ended up getting to sleep this morning for a couple of hours, the doctor wanted her to be admitted to hospital. Sheā€™s improved a bit and got some medication for her cough so thatā€™s improved. Now to wait for the contact tracing call and all that comes with that. Mad how school doesnā€™t have to do any contact tracing now though. Just going rampant on there now.


Sorry to hear that. Hope the little one is feeling better soon.

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Sorry to hear that kid. Hope sheā€™s feeling a lot better soon.

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Tough station mate, sheā€™ll bounce back quickly Iā€™m sure.

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Good luck @Gman. Plenty of hot drinks and a barrell of vitamin c. And a heap of Netflix. Kids bounce back so quickly, hopefully she will too.

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Hope she gets well soon, mate.

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Always a worrying time with a sick child. I hope she bounces back soon.

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Sheā€™ll be grand.

Whatā€™s her 5k time?

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