Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Nah your lads school was closed to in person learning.

Cheers men. She’ll be grand. She just had a bowl of weetabix there now so at least getting some appetite back, first proper thing she has eaten since saturday. It just does put some context into the effects it has on different people and how many cases are different. No underlying illness, very sporty and active but yet it has really hit hard. Seems the worst of it has passed thankfully. Have to keep the other 2 home now and nigh on impossible to keep them all apart so just have to watch that now. The joys of it all. A local school is considering closing due to the amount of cased there. The amount if cases in the 5-12 year old age group is massive and there is no control in place. I agree schools have to be open, but effectively having zero contact tracing means we are sending them into what are known positive cases to effectively chance getting it or not.


Yep. Seems to be fairly rampant with cases everywhere. Still the overall picture seems to be good. Let’s hope that continues.

Yeah its still hospital’s, icu numbers and deaths which should be the real measure of it all. Hopefully all of which don’t rise going into winter weather

Glad she’s starting to feel better. :+1:

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She might even get into seeing the “butters” being sent down to intermediate on Saturday which will really perk her up! :wink:

They’ve given you a home match. :rage:

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Are hospital numbers or icu numbers up or down ? I just read an Irish times article which gave the figures as 500 and 75ish but no context as to what this was yesterday or last week 🤷


Haven’t grown in a while.

489 tonight.



The aussie proles deserve some leisure beach time having racked up the longest lockdown on record. Enjoy mate.

I’d a lovely beachside coffee on Saturday myself, must post it up when I knock off.

She will be fine. You and yours have nothing to worry about pal.

Covid is a serious issue really only for people 80+ , the aul flu is actually more of a threat to kids thankfully.

Look after you and yours all the same.

This doesn’t seem so good.

Denmark is reintroducing Covid restrictions.

A lad on the radio, Stephen Donnelly, said that was likely attributed to people who had had their care postponed/cancelled due to the “war footing” the HSE was on for COVID.

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If we’d opened up prematurely we’d have a hell of lot more people dead overall.

I’m only relaying the theory of Steve.

I think Steve would agree with me.

That’s up to Steve