Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Lads, can we all agree to stop misrepresenting poor old @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

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Open it up surely? Very few people have died from Marburg in history. So itā€™s self evidently not dangerous.

So letā€™s hope this virus spreads and that we welcome it in. Not letting it in would be racist, I hear.

Another benefit of a Marburg outbreak in Ireland would be that ā€œDoctorā€ Marcus De Brun would go full mental if people with the Marburg virus were inside having pints while those without the Covid vaccine were out in the cold. Itā€™d give a new meaning to people shitting out their insides after a session.

No we canā€™t open up with this on the go. We need zero marburg


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Ah jeysuz.

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Iā€™d agree we need Zero Marburg.

And itā€™s your fact now.

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Yes Iā€™m marking my line in the sand on this. We go whole hog from the start (Europe wide) and not dilly dally like its March 2020

We need zero everything

So rattled youā€™re taking out bits of sentences

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No. Pay for it straight upā€¦ If you donā€™t want a vaccine yet want to enjoy indoor public spaces, then if you get sick you pay for any hospital bill up to 15k for an ICU stay should it go that farā€¦ You really canā€™t say fairer than that.

Rattled, not a chance lad. Youā€™ll know when Iā€™m rattled. This topic is not a game or debating competition to me. Itā€™s far too serious for that. If you want to score points off someone fuck off somewhere else. If you have the stomach for a chat in the flesh, give me a shout.

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Youā€™re the one taking bits out of my posts to misrepresent what I said so donā€™t give it the big one

Just highlighting your inconsistency.

If you read the full sentence youā€™d see that there was no inconsistency

Iā€™ll leave it there for others to decide.

Thatā€™s fineā€¦can you have a refund for the 10s of thousands you paid into the system? What about them lads that fall of motorbikes or horses. Do they get treatment?

Let er rip you fanny

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Weā€™re on the same page on this one. I want the fattys and drunkards paying there own hospital bills. We should tax obese people to the hilt to pay for covid. Outside of the elderly it was predominantly them that were getting sick and clogging up our hospitals. The like of @Thomas_Brady making a pig of himself and thinking by taking a vaccine that he has the high moral ground. You couldnā€™t make it up, and then expecting us healthy specimens of humans to pump that pharma shite into our bodies to protect the big slob.