Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

They are under no obligation to do so, it’s only up to the hse to contact close contacts, not the school. Our school has a system in place where they are advising if there is a case in the pod, class or school. So in the pod, that’s previously considered close contact, so it’s up to you to do whatever you want, ie stay in school or stay out and test until results come back.

You have the right to privacy too. There’s absolutely nothing stopping the teacher from telling the parents themselves though. Just the school can’t legally do it.

How is your little girl doing?


Now that they aren’t bothering even pretending to contact trace, why do I still have to give bars my phone number? GDPR breach surely. They have no purpose for it. Also a big long list at the door to sign in and everyone’s name and phone number on it :grin:


GDPR at its finest there.

Better, thanks. Temp came down after a few days and the meds we got for her cough helped. Still not right, but just at a normal cold illness stage now. Just having to test the others now and sort out when we can all go back to some sort of normality again.


One of these days Mr Publican is going to sit down with that notebook and subscribe you to his marketing txt service.

Lads then be wondering why they’re getting calls from all over the world :grinning:

Simple cunts.

Your gym is in breach of GDPR regulations. Covid passes are only legal for indoor dining.

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If fennesseys started texting me pictures of pints on a winters Wednesday evening it could be the end of me


Is it possible this whole thing is a Diageo marketing ploy?

I must sign up to reddit.

Do you even lift bro?

Yes. I lift in accordance with the law.

Speaking of GDPR will the HSE ever get pulled for the hack. The entire nation is getting phones since


Do you chaps with kids intend to get them Covid tested every time they get a cough &/or head cold between now & March or whatever? All the youngsters barking and spluttering in the crèche this week. It’s seemingly present in the COMMUNITY but you could be taking them out for clutches of days every couple of weeks for months? At the same time, you don’t want to have your kid be the epicentre of a crèche outbreak that ultimately results in some immuno-compromised grandparent of another attendee get very sick. Would be interested to read how the rest of you are approaching it. Most interested in views of rational moderates but equally welcome input from headbangers.



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I got the Moderna and fuck me I was never as sick as I was after the 2nd dose. I think I’d turn down a booster also


if you want a totalitarian state- get in a left wing governement


no jesus christ
i dont want to regale any more u7 soccer training stories where i have members of the travelling community sneezing on me as i tie their shoelaces but by christ absolutley not, the coughing, spluttering and barking out of my fella the last two weeks is ferocious but on a par with normal for this time of year- two of his pals were over tuesday , they do their homework after training and she made a load of pasta and cheese and the barking out of them was unreal…but fuck it they’re flying

im convinced covid is only an issue in dublin tbh, all this nonsense of fellas asking you for a vaccine proof before going to a pub or restauraut, does that actually happen in real life or is it only something on twitter?


i got the AZ , easter monday
fuck it , it cleaned me out - murdered me- a proper , good honest to god vaccine tho, it floored a load of chimpanzees in the belgian congo apparantly, there’s no need at all for any booster after that