Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Iā€™m extremely fit for my age mate.

ā€¦fit for fuck all, sure the square yard of a back garden flummoxed you


@Tierneevin1979 Can you tell me has there been proof of isolation of covid 19?


I donā€™t fancy @mikehuntā€™s

I am done with TFK Covid mate after reading todayā€™s insanity.

Fair enough, apologies for bothering you on the matter.

Will the vaccine be available to toddlers soon? We want to get the little lady vaccinated.

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In 2010, The Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA) and The Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) received reports from Swedish and Finnish health care professionals regarding narcolepsy as suspected adverse reaction following Pandemrix flu vaccination. The reports concern children aged 12ā€“16 years where symptoms compatible with narcolepsy, diagnosed after thorough medical investigation, have occurred one to two months after vaccination.

THL concluded in February 2011 that there is a clear connection between the Pandemrix vaccination campaign of 2009 and 2010 and narcolepsy epidemic in Finland: there was a nine times higher probability to get narcolepsy with vaccination than without it.[120][121]

At the end of March 2011, an MPA press release stated: ā€œResults from a Swedish registry based cohort study indicate a 4-fold increased risk of narcolepsy in children and adolescents below the age of 20 vaccinated with Pandemrix, compared to children of the same age that were not vaccinated.ā€[122] The same study found no increased risk in adults who were vaccinated with Pandemrix.

Fool me onceā€¦

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EUA ā€œEmergency Use Authorizationā€ approval basically is clinical trial stage. Moderna and Pfizer are 2023 before theyā€™ll be fully signed off I believe.

Anyone relatively healthy under 60 is not really considering the cost/benefit aspect to this in my view.

Each to their own though - vaccinating kids with an experimental jab down to 6 month olds is totally wrong in my opinion.

I just donā€™t get that.

This isnt your usual vaccines that are tried and tested.


I read that there are more US deaths attributed to this vaccine in 6 months than all previous vaccines since their introduction. I also read that a harvard study said that 1% of adverse reactions are reported as suchā€¦the ā€˜anti vaxxersā€™ are touting this stat widely, not me though since I assume it would be applied across the board.

The ā€˜has this virus been isolated/proven to exist, questionā€™.
No one wants to touch this question. Not even the normally fearless @Tierneevin1979 . If I was a betting man Iā€™d say it has

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What part of the health care sector does Bev work in?

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Fauci, the flip-flop king


What part of her tweet do you disagree with, mate?

A part where kids have more to fear from the vaccine than the virus?

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The same one as Nicola Charles.

Dr. Karl Kennedy would never have let this happen.

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Whats your view on Dr Robert Malone, pal?

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