Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I was talking about the inevitable lockdown that is coming following the recent re-opening

No mate. It’s all covid. Every last thing…it’s covid. The common cold has been eradicated. 24 hour bugs…gone. Teething? Not this year pal.

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Yes mate. Vaccinate your young children for covid and Granddad will live forever.

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Maybe we should create flu tests and arbitrarily assign deaths to any person who dies with a positive test with a defined period of time?

But then again flu is not sexy enough for that treatment.

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How did we indentify flu before anyway? Just guessed, put it down to the very serious cases. Imagine if they recorded vaccine deaths under same criteria they record unvaccinated deaths.

Where are getting that you loon?

My point was by your reasoning of locking away vulnerable added to the vaccines for kids being pointless that some feel it would be ok for my kids to never interact with their elderly Grandfathers.

I’ve said nothing about vaccines for kids you spoon :joy:

cc @Tim_Riggins

Just in case you want to go off into another casually racist rant about Eastern European countries.

I strongly disagree :disappointed:

Well it wasn’t really about whether you would or wouldn’t…the question was about the validity of testing kids

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If granddad is sick, old, and at risk, keep him and your kids (and yourself) out of the pubs, and keep visiting him. That’s a far more effective solution than mandating covid passes for pubs.

You were talking shite.

You said vaccine protection was gone not waning

Read the study. It’s gone after 4 months for the AZ (and J&J) and 6 months for the Pfizer.

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You’re talking to fanatics there mate. They’ve mugged themselves off but are in too far now and won’t come back.


Is there a difference between the booster and the other 2 shots with Pfizer? Or is it just a 3rd shot? If it’s just a 3rd shot then that would mean everyone has to get a " vaccine" every 6 months forever or until a better vaccine comes along. Covid passports in that scenario would be problematic in my opinion.

I’m not arguing against vaccination, but people need to be realistic. What the studies show is how nonsensical vaccine passports are. After 6 months anyone who had the Pfizer, J&J or AZ vaccines are no more protected from illness than someone who is unvaccinated.

Covid is behaving like the other four coronaviruses that cause common colds, people get reinfected with the same virus over and over but develop stronger immunity as time goes on. The most likely outcome here is combination of vaccines, boosters and more people getting infected will result in the same outcome for Covid as the common cold.

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No difference, the booster is the same vaccine.

Covid passports are totally wrong. Particularly if they’re increased to include barbers, shopping centres , offices ie normally pieces of life.

Inevitably they will be as the Government and Nphet (who are one of a kind) can’t blame anyone else.

You can be guaranteed full vaccination status will be determined via having the 3rd shot in 2022 as well


Literally just got my booster offer. So when Tony Holohan and Fauci and the rest said I could have my old life back after a vaccine were they lying or incompetent?

Vaccines have a positive impact for maybe 30% of society who are at risk on basis of health or age. After that their benefit is utterly negligible, much like the flu vaccine which is generally only dished out to about 20-30% of the population as they are the ones perceived who it can offer benefits to.

I don’t have an issue with people wanting to get vaccinated but this sort of fanatical demand of wanting everyone vaccinated despite there being no logic to support it is for the birds.

You can spot the empty vessels here quite easily, they have no substance to support their position, they just swallow propaganda without critique or challenging the narrative.