Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

If ye useless cunts at the airport had done yer jobs we’d be grand


I know you were talking about Covid, so was I.

So children are not susceptible to covid and dont get ill from it? That’s your point?

and above that, do you not think that having vacinations for both their protection and to also help stop the transmission of it is not worthy of developing?

I think it’s a smaller dose

I was doing my job (with no ppe, might I add) why the rest of ye stared at yere laptops in the sitting room


The Pfizer and J&J is the same dosage as one shot, the Moderna is half. Most likely the reason the Moderna is the best is the original dosage was higher than the Pfizer.

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Why would you need PPE posting shite here all day?

“Just doing my job”. That’s what the SS said too.

Good one mate, as usual


Is that also the reason some countries have stopped using it?


Just get the vaccine and re enter society. Don’t get it and continue on the fringes.


Every 6 months though?

Probably, most likely it causes a little bit more myocarditis in young men than the Pfizer.

They could start with one and go from there

The Brits seem to be bucking the trend with almost 3 whole weeks of decreases in numbers. Maybe a degree of population immunity built up between vaccines and infections?

I’ll be technically unvaccinated mid January so. Will help with dry January I suppose, I’ve never actually done that.

No mate. It’s just not possible. You’ve got to find your sweet spot in terms of balancing responsibility and what’s right for your kid. Juhy Junior has asthma and would barely have seen the inside of the school had we tested every time he got his asthma cough. We’ve tested anytime he’s had a temperature or a bit gunky. We know his asthma cough well. The antigen tests are great.


Except for real life data. You play fast and loose with your comment but the one you just made is factually incorrect.

The vaccines remain highly effective at preventing hospitalisations and deaths.

The Swedish study is real life data. They looked at every individual who was vaccinated by May 2021 and compared them to people who had not been vaccinated, following them to the end of October. It’s a huge study, the largest done by far outside of the Israel study, 1,684,958 people. The results clearly show that after 6 months there is no protection from illness for the Pfizer and AZ vaccines.

If vaccines remain highly effective at preventing hospitalizations and deaths, why are Pfizer pushing the FDA for boosters for everyone over 18?


The vaccines are a cod and paddy has been sold a pup