Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Real life is the below from the US. This is well outside 6 months for most.

Pfizer? Why do you need to ask that question?

Authorities want no cases and HI and will do anything to get there. Again, why the question?

That chart like yourself is past it’s sell by date. The claim that most of those being hospitalized are unvaccinated (80-90% according to the Economist October 21st) is simply untrue. The current numbers in the US and UK are roughly 2:1 vaccinated versus unvaccinated.

The idea that you can get to no cases is so stupid it doesn’t warrant a response. Look at Ireland ffs, the highest vaccination rate in the world and cases are escalating.


Paddy has no common sense

I know we can’t get to zero cases. I am talking about different countries motivations.

The U.K. stats still show high efficacy against hospitalisation from vaccines (pre booster) though of course the majority are still within the 6 months due to the delayed second dose.

The best example is the US where this still holds true. The data shows this clearly.

And half the cafes/restaurants in the airport that you’d normally visit on your skiver walks were shut. I don’t know how you did it!

You may as well have been pulling asbestos off a roof

Brits probably now reaping natural immunity.

He’s fanatical. Vaccine fascism is a cult.

I made this point all last week to him. He simply just ignored it. When you want the ignore the most comprehensive data of all then you are clearly dealing with a fanatic.

552 weeks and 16 booster shots to flatten the curve, the next lockdown is crucial. If people can’t see the complete nonsense for what is by now I don’t think they can be helped.


I can’t stomach another lock down.

Mentallers are getting another wind. If nothing else you’d have to admire their thranness.

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There wont be any.

I’m not so sure tbh.

Holland’s NPHET recommending restrictions such as closing theatres and indoor venues.

Are the Brits doing boosters?

Anthony van den Hoolahan the cunt


See yiz all in Coppers