Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I’ll make it my business to try and give custom to those who do.

And not give custom to those who deliberately choose to put the public’s health at risk.

Such as Il Viccolo restaurant in Galway. Businesses like that deserve to go under.

Let’s lockdown society forever so no one ever dies from COVID ever again we’ve tried vaccines they are obviously ineffective so under the bed we go


Without a material change in circumstances, such as mass triple vaccination, endemic Covid is unsustainable and will lead to the end of normality as we knew it, mass unemployment and a potential break down of society.

You can either accept that and start demanding the things that will solve the problem - such as the non-pharmaceutical interventions we already know work, allied to mandatory vaccinations and an end to the coddling of the freeloading anti-vaxxers - or you can believe in magical thinking.

The latter won’t work and your feelings have nothing to do with it.

Time to grow up.

The data, conveniently presented via screenshot with no source, states “Deaths involving COVID-19”. Jumping from “involving” to “of” is a fair jump. 7 children died and they had a positivie PCR test in the lead up to their deaths would be a more correct statement. However, you shouldn’t let facts get in the way of sensationalism.


Why are you stopping at triple vaccination? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just state 6-monthly jabs as the material change in circumstances? Or are you going on the basis that flu vaccines have successfully eradicated the seasonal flu?


Covid is killing children.

Badgers kill children too. What’s your point

No one died from or with covid thankfully between the age of 0-24 from the start of the pandemic to the middle of October this year.

You are misleading the forum saying otherwise.


Agreed all those that unfortunately that have died of COVID in this country median age 82 will hasten the end of normality like who else will procreate under the age of 82?


In the hypothetical event we needed six monthly jabs it wouldn’t bother me.

Seems a very small price to pay for a safer normality than we currently have. This normality is not safe at all and is unsustainable both in terms of human toll and in terms of the economic and societal cost.

I think there are reasonable grounds to be optimistic a triple shot will prove to be an effective sterilising vaccine.

Poisonings kill more children than covid.


I get that. But it would bother me because I have no idea of the long-term health implications off the back of 6-monthly jabs, and I do not feel comfortable with that. Which of us is right? Is there a middle ground here?

What’s your definition of poisoning?

Nobody has ever died from an adverse reaction to a vaccine beyond two months.

Whereas we have no idea of the long term implications of Covid beyond the already known about Long Covid.

I think there are reasonable grounds to suspect Covid could be a leading indicator of neurodegenerative diseases in the long term.

Letting Covid loose is a grossly unethical mass medical experiment.

So those kids died but had a positive covid pcr test, is that the accurate description here? Is there any statement saying they died due to Covid complications? That’s a pretty important detail here.

I never mentioned poisoning you just conveniently ignore facts about the median age of COVID deaths and make sweeping statements about society bring unsustainable re case numbers I have you on ignore but feel compelled to call you out on unadulterated BS


Sorry buddy, that post should have been addressed to @ironmoth.

We have to consider as well that these PCR tests are a joke. If you want to change your result to get to a climate change event, you go again like Eamon Ryan,

No noise over that hypocrisy in the media though.


How can you say that in one breath, but in another you quoted an unsubstantiated leap of faith that equated “dying with” to “dying of” covid?

I’m sure those responsible for letting it loose find it difficult to sleep at night.

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Any member of the public that tries to pull an Eamon Ryan will be shot down. A fine example of political polarisation in action.

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