Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Well I’ve seen somebody die of Covid and believe me, they died of Covid, not with it.

And there is nothing out there to say that the overwhelming majority of people who have died with Covid have died with it, rather than of it.

And there is very strong evidence out there to suggest that the worldwide Covid death total has been massively underplayed.

And there is nothing to suggest that having Covid around as we do now will do anything other than banjax the health service.

More Covid = a much worse health service for all.

They probably don’t.

Eamons brother must be in the PCR cartel with Tomg and CDG

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It’s this sort of ageist bile that has us in the mess we’re in. You need to stop discriminating against that group of people whose median age is 82. They have just as much right as the next person to go out and build a house, start a family, etc.


Really? It seems to me that cat is misreading her own figures? It looks to me like her figures are a cumulative total? Not 7 in one week. That seems utterly bizarre. What do you think?

Edit. Read down Juhy…

The following scenario seems as plausible to me as any. That Ryan came into contact with Covid, and tested positive, but the vaccine induced antibodies inside him neutralised the virus in him almost immediately, hence a negative test the day afterwards.

Seems by far the most plausible scenario to me.

No offence, but I didn’t expect you to consider it in any other way.

I think it flags the false positive nature of these PCR tests. But thats not something that can be discussed unfortunately.

It’s going over your head but we are a long way off proper discourse in the media since this thing kicked in.

Add up the figures in the second last column rather than looking at the 7 total number on the right

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Just saw that. Where are these figures from? Surely we would have heard aboutb7 kids dying?

Jesus that’s batshit. I know multiple people double jabbed and had an awful dose of covid. No let off of symptoms

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How is she misreading her own figures? 1+1+2+3=7.

Why don’t you get on to her personally if you have a problem with the figures?

109 child deaths in the UK is exactly in line with the figures from the US, where I’m pretty sure over 800 children have died by the last count.

We also know hundreds died in a single month in Indonesia this summer.

Sure just ask @flattythehurdler


I would never try to take that from you. You walked that road, and only you. Nothing I ever say on this matter is an attempt to demean or detract from what you went through.

There is. It’s called data. People succumbing to this virus are by and large, very old (i.e. already past the average life expectancy) or they are very sick (i.e. they had comorbidities). The ones that do not meet those tests are what are known as outliers. They are the exceptions to the rule.

I can go along with that. You would also have to accept, however, that there is very strong evidence out there to suggest that the worldwide Covid case rates and recovery rates have also been massively underplayed. It is all relative.

The government’s continuing response to Covid will make sure that there is a much worse health service for all. Whether it’s missed diagnoses of very serious illnesses like cancer, or young babies being diagnosed with tonsilitis by doctors but being sent for swabs before a prescription is handed over, the health service is an unmitigated shit-show.


Yeah, because the Tory press are very trustworthy and wouldn’t not report anything that didn’t suit them. :grinning:

If only Oliver Callan could write satire as good as this.


Edited my above post. Even if she is including 18 and 19 year olds. I’d like to know where the figures are from though.
I can’t interrogate her cos I’m not on twitter. Are you by any chance? Could you ask her?

Nobody said double vaccinated people could not get a nasty dose of Covid. The point is they are statistically much less likely to than you are.

Those are UK figures?

What if he did get it and was poorly because of an underlying condition? Would you be saying he got lucky?

Yes they do

Teenager is youngest person to die from Covid-19 in the Republic (via @IrishTimes) Teenager is youngest person to die from Covid-19 in the Republic

Contains this:

Nobody under the age of 45 was admitted to a ICU.