Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Great to see free market capitalism in full flow

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Kieran Kelly (@KieranKelly77) Tweeted:
When @DonnellyStephen, @CMOIreland, @HSELive, @laoneill111 state that I should be vaccinated, they should have the ability to convince me its safe and that I can trust them. They’ve certainly not done that; let me explain :point_down:

Well worth a read.


That made a complete cod of the whole thing.


It did. We have lads here shrieking that someone without a vaccine might be indoors near the 90+% that are vaccinated, yet a lad who tested positive on the “Gold Standard” PCR test was allowed fly a day later


He was supposed to isolate for 14 days as the virus may not have showed up yet. It’s a joke and not a word about it in the media.

Negative PCR test result (COVID-19 not detected)

If your PCR test is negative, you’ll get a text message to say that the test did not detect COVID-19. This means that the virus was not found in your sample.

A negative result does not mean that you’ve never had COVID-19.

It’s possible that you had the virus, but that:

  • your immune system cleared it by the time you were tested
  • there was no virus present in the sample taken

If you have symptoms

If you were tested because you have symptoms of COVID-19, self-isolate (stay in your room) until you have not had any symptoms for 48 hours.

You can return to your normal activities when you have not had symptoms for 48 hours. This includes going to work or school.

If your symptoms continue or get worse, phone your GP.

Find a GP

Find a GP out-of-hours

If you are a close contact

If you were tested because you are a close contact and you do not have symptoms of COVID-19, continue to restrict your movements (stay at home) for 14 days.

Do this from the last date you were in contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19. If you’re not sure when that was, restrict your movements until the date you were told by contact tracing.

The people you live with

If you do not have symptoms, the people you live with no longer need to restrict their movements. They should continue to follow the advice to protect yourself and others.

Second tests

Close contacts who get a negative result usually need to have a second test. This is because it can take up to 14 days for the virus to show up in your system after you have been exposed to it. Even though your test result is negative, you could still have the virus.


Delayed health care due to Covid.

When this is all over that’s the scandal. But the HSE are no longer responsible for the shit show every winter - it’s no longer a capacity issue. It’s now a demand issue.

We deserve better. Our parents in particular deserve better. I was in a fracture clinic where seats are taped over. People standing around in same room but not allowed sit down on chairs so you have young lads with broken legs getting up to let an elderly lady sit down. Because Covid. You see. It’s shameful.


Jesus fucking Christ.

Irish people are morons bro. The puritan cruelty is never far from the surface either.

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I think that is misguided following of the advice.

The situation around people’s elective surgery being cancelled or postponed is a much bigger issue and the one which I think you are alluding to earlier in the post.

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When you look at the median age and the no of people who died with Covid who had underlying health conditions (think it was 93% after the first wave) then you have your answer. Up north we know they were recording people who died in Hospices as Covid deaths, we know Covid deaths were arbitrarily counted as long as they yielded a positive test result in the previous 28 days, we know that they were automatically assigned if Covid was mentioned anywhere on the death cert, see below note from NISRA on their deaths.

So basically the no of deaths that are assigned to Covid are greatly inflated. Suspected ffs?

Meanwhile it takes 5 months for a coroner to rule that the vaccine was the cause of death as we saw with the BBC presenter. If people can’t see the double standards here and aren’t worried about the manipulated data that is driving policy then they are clearly cultists or just not very bright.


4.9% fall in to the possible/probable number in the south.

What’s the difference between probable and possible? A confirmed PCR test?

We know for a fact from the information disclosed by the relevant authorities up north who classify Covid deaths, that a positive Covid test within a defined period of time means its recorded as a Covid death, irrespective of anything else.

The highlighted note below confirms it.

If victim had a massive heart attack 4 weeks while out playing a match after they had Covid, they are assigned as a Covid death.

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Died with Covid or died of Covid?


The same 93% probably would have died if they got a bad flu too. Already very vulnerable people



But misinformation has been flying around from the start. I nearly fell off my seat when I read they were putting people who were receiving end of life treatment in Hospices down as Covid deaths.

So in other words, they have the authority to go ah fuck it, put it down as Covid.

Wasn’t there a coroner who spoke out about Covid deaths being overstated?

You’re pretty much right in your assessment of those numbers.

I don’t think people are necessarily cultists or dim because they chose to overlook data on on side in favour of data on another. I would love to see the true government spending on publicising coronavirus. The advertising spend on radio and in printed press alone must be astronomical. If you are sitting at home listening to a non-stop barrage on coronavirus, how could you not be afraid?

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You should trust the experts, unless of course the experts disagree with your stance then you try and denigrate their character and question their integrity on the basis they have a different opinion to you, one in which they actually have the professional qualifications to give.

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RTE turning around annual significant losses to a €5m profit after being flooded with government/tax payer funded advertising tells you everything you need to know.

Fear sells.


Every cloud has a silver lining.