Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Lads on here really overdo the dying of/dying with covid. Lots of people are chronically ill, or even manage to live lives without chronic illness despite having severe health conditions. If they get covid they may die, if they didn’t get it they wouldn’t have died. I have friends in their 30s with MS or other severe illnesses that lead full lives. If they got covid and died they’d certainly have “had underlying conditions”, but it would have been covid that killed them. The way some lads are going on about it these people’s lives are valueless. They’d want to cop themselves on a bit.


And even more people die with chronic illness. The issue is trying to classify people who die with chronic illness as Covid deaths is sinister. Using people in a hospice for end of life treatment to bump up Covid figures is wrong on all levels and that’s been done from the outset.

61 post mortems were carried out for Covid deaths, 61.

In 2020, 21 autopsies were carried out on Covid-positive remains in the Dublin District; 11 of these have Covid-19 mentioned as a cause of death.

So in other words, around 50% of deaths where Covid was assigned as the cause were actually due to Covid from a small sample.

Meanwhile, it takes 5 months for a death to be linked to a vaccine. Imagine if we classified deaths related to the vaccination status in the same manner?

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It honestly strikes me as eugenicist.

I cannot get my head around it, especially since a lot of people in the public eye who are most fervent in their dismissal of people with underlying conditions are those who most portrayed themselves as “pro-life”.

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Well said.

Mr O’Connor isn’t an expert and doesn’t have any professional qualifications in the medical field, he’s a solicitor.

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Ideally in this situation each particular hospital department in Ireland would have its own new 1,000 square metre waiting room with ultra-high ceiling.

Frankly it’s a disgrace it hasn’t already happened.

He’s a coroner. Someone who is professionally qualified to investigate the caused of death. He is an expert by the definition of the word.

I have to say that this questioning of the definition of a Covid death shows what you are dealing with. It is inconsequential in the overall scheme of things but it is utterly dismissive of people heroically going through life with health difficulties, courage that the others could only dream of.


If they didn’t get covid they wouldn’t have died. What do you not understand about that?

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In 2020, 21 autopsies were carried out on Covid-positive remains in the Dublin District; 11 of these have Covid-19 mentioned as a cause of death.

You really are an absolute halfwit, it’s hard to fathom out how you actually get by in life.

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Well that’s completely false. There were 60 odd post mortems done on thousands of deaths, from a small sample 50% were concluded to not be related to those deaths so it’s utterly idiotic what you’re trying to say here.

This is the type of stupidity you have to deal with here.

cc @ironmoth

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Says the guy who spends the entire time on here, and undoubtedly many other forums/fora.

Says the guy who ‘rebrands’ to distance himself from previous comments made to attempt to save face on an internet forum.

You have it made mate.


[Up is down, black is white, tags a flat earth moron.]

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The only other forum I posted on apart from here I’ve been banned from. Anyway go off and enjoy some time downing pints with your wife, The Big Builder who drinks pints.

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I’ve just referenced a fact that makes shit of your preposterous little argument.

You don’t like having to engage in a debate of wits and substance. I’ll repeat my previous point.

In 2020, 21 autopsies were carried out on Covid-positive remains in the Dublin District; 11 of these have Covid-19 mentioned as a cause of death.

Now I think it’s telling you baulked at trying to to contend that in relation to your nonsense in the previous post.

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I don’t think there was ever a reason to believe there would be a peak in November followed by a decline in December. This is a three shot vaccine at least. As I’ve said before I think there are reasonable grounds to hope that a three shot course might be close to being a sterilising vaccine though.

In a wider sense the unvaccinated are like a Mexican wave. So called natural immunity is never going to arrive. Round and round and round she goes.

Is “sterilising vaccine” a good phrase to use given the difficulty many lads seem to have digesting basic information on vaccines? Probably best to steer wide of that. Also don’t see any reason to suggest the third dart of it will be the last and final one, and this stage we don’t know, seems likely it will wear off again. I don’t think that matters and if yearly or 6 monthly shots are what allows normal life then that seems fine by me, but better not to overpromise.

Sterilising vaccine may not be a good phrase to use but that says more about other people’s bad faith motives.

Whatever about a third shot being a sterilising vaccine the road out of this is clear. The world needs to be fucking saturated in vaccines.

It is not credible for anybody to suggest that if every person in the world had three shots, we would not find a way out of this mess.

Through a combination of inadequate policy responses and propaganda-influenced poor choices on the part of millions or billions of individuals, we will probably not find our way onto that road.