Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Israel and Iceland added to the CDC list of high risk travel destinations. Israel where everyone is on their third or fourth jab and zero Covid Iceland.

And there are lads who think this is over.


She’s got a great arse


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Just wondering what her expertise is before I take on her words

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I knew a few lads in school who had long covid by the sounds of it.


Lolz. Teenage boy forgets some homework. Fuck sake.

There is undoubtedly some after effects from this disease particularly for those people who suffer badly from it just as there is from other diseases but crap like this just takes away from genuine cases.


it was a glorious piece , August 2020, the fear was being ratcheted up pre return to school , “stealth bombers in a covid society” I think was the term

September last year was some craic, every single kid in the country was spluttering by the third week of September, our fella sounded like a 60 a day fella one Saturday, i remember thinking we will get this fella test?, fuck that I’m not going there on a Saturday he was grand by Monday and 2 weeks later tony blamed gaa club matches, …anyway shur


I think it was. You might recall that you’ve mentioned it almost daily since.


No reply, interesting.

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Makes the idiocy spouted by vaccine fascists like @the_man_himself, @glasagusban, @backinatracksuit all the more ridiculous.

Everyone vaccinated or unvaccinated will likely eventually catch covid which makes the utter horsehit of very vocal posters around here citing case numbers as the metric for keeping society locked down complete nonsense. One chap in particular kept banging on about this and passing ‘risk’ on. Spoofery of the highest order.


Anyone who thinks covid will ever go away is wrong. Anyone who doesnt thinks that vaccines greatly reduce the risk to serious illness and death is equally as wrong. Now we have to find the grey area where we can get on with life. Rational OIUTFers and LIDTFers may never agree on what the point is correct but we need to get to that point

What? Of course vaccines refuse the risk of serious illness or death.

What do you think they do?


I’d imagine he meant to put don’t greatly reduce there


Ah I forgot to add doesn’t. A quick edit fixes everything


Fuck me, are there lads peddling the ludicrous argument that the vaccine is a bigger problem than Covid itself? Fuckwits.


Piers Morgan having a terrible time with the auld Long Covid.

He’s in terrible shape. He’d have a horrendous 5k time.

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