Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Imagine how we feel about it all. Conflicting info, sending apology texts, getting letters and then saying they won’t send the letter already received. Also never mentioned that when we registered the kids as close contacts, they automatically arrange pcr tests. They sent one kid to wexford and one to waterford, times within an hour of each other, all notified as contacts in the one submission. So we had to cancel one and had to go back the following day for the test. Its just all over the place.


Mbb is right

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You should know better than this


I don’t know if the contact tracing is run by the HSE or by contractors. But that sounds mental. I was speaking with someone this week who was promoted into a senior position in the department of health recently. They said it was so disfunctional in there they left the job and reverted back down out of the promotion.

Have your kids got underlying illnesses?

If they do, sorry to hear that.

How so??

Just buy antigen tests yourself and keep social contacts to a minimum for a week or so. Isolating for 2 weeks while you don’t have it is for the birds.


Yeah I’d imagine they’ve set up some automated handling system in place. Either way, whether them or outsourced, they are ultimately responsible for giving clear guidance and testing etc and contact tracing. I doubt our experience is unusual either.

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When we had it in the house over the summer I was the only one not to get it, but I was named as a close contacts as each of the others tested positive. It was some mess. I had to field 3 calls in a row from 3 different tracers.


Obviously it is. I’m assuming their text saying they made a mistake is just them making a mistake. Ridiculous to self isolate when no symptoms and returning negative results. Its just highlighting the farce of it.

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“A world class test and trace system”


Its weak minded cunts like you fully vaxxed and still shitting the togs that are the problem here.

In and out of test centres on a weekly basis just so they feel okay under their mask.

You’re not a man at all.


I generally am. Hope all goes well with the youngsters. There’s always something with them. Adulting is a pile of wank sometimes.

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Proof again there.

All good. Just bored out of their minds stuck at home.


It’s some chaotic mess.

I got a call in January saying I was a close contact of someone through work. Anyway the very pleasant contact tracing lady is going through her length spiel when she throws in - “yeah, you would have worked with her last Saturday week.”

“Saturday week? No, I wasn’t in work that day.

“Are you sure?


“Can I put you on hold for a second?”

“Of course.”

After two mins she comes back - “no, that’s fine. You don’t need to isolate. If you feel unwell let us know.”

Ten mins later and the phone rings again. Different bloke. “Just ringing about a person you came into contact with last Saturday week…” :see_no_evil:


Ah yeah, Shur look, it’s been plain to see for sometime

A few of the usual suspects are on a merry dance here,

The soft cunts are worried about Covid again :grinning:

Pfizer and co let ye cunts downs unfortunately.

Get the 3rd jab into ye.

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You might need a 4th jab id say.


You’ve broken him @gman

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