Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Iā€™m around a long time, kid.

Get back to the free britney thread there like a good man.


Is there any truth to the rumour that you have killed more young women than Covid?

Fucking hell what a shit show. Biology had a crack at it this year and itā€™s been a spectacular failure. Maybe these new drugs announced recently are our way out this. Chemistry, youā€™re up next.

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The world could have been out of it abyear ago, no problem whatsoever


If only they had heard you. Ivermectin would have been a game changer.

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Donā€™t be such a dickhead. Dr Campbell has had a superb pandemic, he couldnā€™t care less about peopleā€™s ideological baggage and pointless tribalism. Heā€™s all about the numbers, the ethics, the technology etc. What are you afraid of?

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You losing your sanity, mate. I made a wee joke and youā€™ve just reacted quite badly. Chill, pal

I am chilledā€¦I just threw 2 enlightening, elucidating posts into the netflix threadā€¦theyā€™d a lovely lightness of touch about themā€¦a hard sell dressed up as a few throwaway observations. You canā€™t do that sort of work with an unchilled state of mind.
(Lads will thank me later)



Iā€™m not going bother watching that. But what I will say, is either by obduracy or intuition or whatever, yourself and a few other lads on here have been vindicticated. So hats off on that.


Deer are riddled with it, 40% of the white tailed deer population in several states have Covid antibodies. What this means practically is that Covid can now never be eliminated in humans as once there is an animal reservoir it will continue to spread and periodically infect humans. It could also result in new strains of the virus in a similar fashion to avian flu.

There was a paper published during the summer where they found 30% of the wild deer population in New England has Sars Cov-2 antibodies.


Fucking shnap

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The deer need to start social distancing.

No stag parties would be a start


No fawning over each other.


Cheers. Intuition is importantā€¦I like listening to what that Cummins fella has to say, heā€™s usually right but intuition tells me heā€™s a bit offā€¦nothing too duplicitous, just a bit too egotistical to be as objective as a scientist should be. I canā€™t say the same for the likes of bret weinstein or Dr Campbell. Theyā€™re just crunching numbers, searching for truth and sharing an innate interest in what they see unfolding. Campbell especially. Id say heā€™s actually taken aback a little at being dragged into the shitstorm


Look it, I think that the vaccines have done a great job in protecting a lot of vulnerable people in the short term. But are pretty much useless in preventing transmission to the very vulnerable in which the vaccines are ineffective.

So weā€™re back where we were 20 months ago.


I think you might be right about the vaccines, but we wonā€™t have a notion until we see them battling a seasonal virus in the season where seasonal viruses do their worst. The fears over ADE seem to have been allayed, side effects do seem to be under reported and long term side effects canā€™t be understood for anotheryear or two. So itā€™s all up in the air.
Best to have an aggressive vitamin d policy and rely heavily on ivermectinā€¦or the new merck alternative. Job is oxo.