Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

i just read @Gman 's post there, sweet mother of devine jesus, he’ll be the reason we’ll all be sat in stephen’s night with the 2004 munster final on once again, grandparents propped up on a rocking chair next to an open window, a mask around their gob and a plate of warm turkey shoved in front them…

Hoolahan is really playing this beautiful the old hoor, he’ll pile on the deaths now next week or so as we approach the first of december… then bang, closed


Thank God for the auld global warming, it’s good and mild. The open window would probably kill off granny otherwise.

Governments progressively want and have gained more control over their constituents as time goes by. Covid has enabled the freaks and geeks of society (@cheasty and @glasagusban) and then the weak minded simpletons like @farmerinthecity, to call for, demand even, greater restrictions and control over fellow citizens as an act of ‘resistance’. They think they are being moral guardians, the good guys, when in fact they are the complete opposite.


Multiply doses like @Gman times thousands, that’s what we’re dealing with. That’s why Tony is calling the shots. Paddy deserves everything he gets.


The elites have decided democracy doesn’t work and have enlisted the woke simpletons to implement an alternative. The simpletons don’t realize all the alternatives are totalitarian.


@Gman how are you holding up after last night’s unprovoked attack by the anti-vaxx, tinfoil hat merchants? I’m here for you.


Reading that makes my head hurt. It’s a shambles

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You can have democracy when you vote correctly

Science, meant to be the smartest kid in the class but actually just another dunce.

We’re only going to find out the effectiveness of vaccines really now in terms of the vulnerable and we can see they’ve been an utter failure in transmission when you look at Ireland and the vaccination levels intertwined with the case numbers.

Of course the vaccine fanatics are in too deep in their position and won’t admit they were duped.

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They’re just being either crazy or idiots. People who want to dictate or others who want to be told what they do by their superiors.

Pubs and nighclubs need to close tonight

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Some nasty nasty attacks here last night against one of the forums alright sorts


Ah it’s grand bandage old pal. I know my own station. Won’t phase me.

Ultimately, the contact tracing being provided by the hse is a shambles. We’re but one family, but the advice they have been issuing us has been horrendous. Setting up the obligatory tests for the kids was a disaster. And I am sure we’re not the only ones. I can imagine some families getting these texts and calls would be freaking out and locking children in separate rooms if they were to follow the advice being given. It’s just a complete joke and sooner the whole thing can move on, the better.


We need to increase businesses pushing for covid passes. Right now about 20% only ask for them. Barbers, hairdressers, supermarkets…even your local shop. All need to start vigorously enforcing it. These anti vaxx nuts need to be eradicated. And yes, I’m totally cool with a two tier society…the anti vaxx crowd are largely mentally deranged so they’re no loss to society. Weve always lived in a tiered society anyway, a bit of paper is no harm to segregate the unhinged from regular decent people.


Chuckle. You old rogue you.

It’s for their own good. They’re a danger to themselves.

Take TFK as a snapshot. Of the two loudest antivaxx crowd, one is pushing a cattle dewormer or some shit line that and the other is a chap from Armagh who’s obsessed with Tyrone GAA and who thinks he’s Italian. Absolute head bangers.


Once Ashutosh makes a few tweaks to the notification trigger logic, we’ll be laughing. Or crying.


When you put it like that it seems reasonable for all concerned to lock them out of the pubs.