Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Get some sleep, and try to regulate your hormones. Newborns are tough.

Good to have you back bro, the forum needed this sort of sensible thinking.

I’ve pondered from time to time what the anti vaxxer nuts families think of them?

“Liquefied computing systems”


Drowning yourself in a bath of detergent to “suck out the poison” and own the libs.

Oh boy.


In real life the anti Covid vaxxers that I know are all nut jobs that think they’re really really clever


Same as on the internet so?

Quite the little knitting circle we have going on here.


A couple of the lads here seem like smart fellas, one is probably the biggest fool on the internet, I’ll let you figure that out. A couple of wums I won’t include.

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107 in ICU now.

3 out, 15 in.

They must all be faking it I guess?

I love a good conspiracy theory but that’s just plain stupid


“Engineer/business graph bros” :grinning:

Add stockbrokers to that list.

Chaps who still live in their mothers box rooms are all of a sudden getting very brave.

They’re even pretending to be at Tyrone SFC matches!

Loves an adhominem attack that lad. Accusing a Galway restauranter of killing thousands last year. Also a bit odd for a middle aged “anarchist” to suddenly pivot to wanting the good old State to step in and enforce lockdown and restrictions.


I really don’t think any of you lot are in any position whatsoever to complain about “ad hominem attacks” given yis have made it the centre piece of yisser whole deranged “ideology” since the start of the pandemic.

By the way there is currently a restaurant in Galway which is quite happy to put the health and indeed the lives of its customers on the line, and grift people out of lots of money for their own gratification.

The sort of place that thoroughly deserves to go out of business.

The guy is a bedwetter who is followed by bedwetters.

He looks like the type of chap who should be wearing one of those caps with propellers on it.

I gave this post a like , just FYI as in terms of the thread it’s a belter

Fuck you jacinda adern.

Rugby super spreader event.

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Excuse my ignorance, since when does the Cattle Lukeworm drug effectively stop transmission of COVID-19?