Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

You can’t break 20 mins? :rofl:

It’s a wonder @glasagusban isn’t crying out for fatties like him to be denied healthcare. Oh no, it’s the fit and healthy people who pay for the health service that he wants excluded.

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Challenge accepted.

That’s the logical next step. It’s for their own good and the greater good of society, of course. I’m fully behind this.

That’s Galway hurling well and truly fucked.

Good luck mate. You can practice running around outside in the rain while everyone else is in a pub or restaurant.

Fuck off you fat bastard.

The schadenfreude with @glasagusban being discriminated for his obesity will be something considering his stance here.

I’d weigh them on public transport aswell and charge accordingly.

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I’d price him out of air travel. That will teach him.

BMI limits in restauraunts.

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If only people under BMI 30 are allowed to access fast food eventually they’ll breach the barrier and get themselves banned.

According to the resident covid expert, obese people under 40 are not at risk from covid.

Judging by the pubs out the country the weekend Covid looks over.

Did they give a breakdown of unvaccinated vs vaccinated and whether they were admitted for Covid or with Covid?

They texters on drive time are going ballistic about pubs not adhering to regulations.
Bridie (actual name) from the midlands wants a dedicated phone line to inform on ‘rogue publicans’

Stradbally doesn’t want the Electric Picnic

I’m probably alright, although I’m well over 40 I can run a 5k in under 20 mins


You think?

Either not enough or too many. Hard to say

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