Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I can do 5k in jig time. I don’t start the clock though until the car moves out of the estate

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Paul Reid was on Morning Ireland yesterday when there was 27 people in ICU. He was asked how many of those were unvaccinated and he said his information was that 78% were unvaccinated. He cautioned against treating this as a trend, as it was merely a snapshot of the picture as it stood over the weekend. I took out my phone, opened the calculator app and deduced that 78% of 27 was 21.

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Sturgeon Variant incoming

Two points:

  1. Might it be the case that excess deaths increase indirectly due to extra stress being put on the national health system?
  2. Do you now support using excess deaths to more accurately assess covid deaths? If excess deaths were below reported covid deaths would you accept that reduced figure as more accurate?

He accepts whatever data he can find that supports locking people down and restricting healthy people’s lives to ‘stick it to the right wingers’

That will explain every post he makes or his ‘interpretation’ of any data.


I think there’s clearly an element of that. It signals clearly that lockdowns and other public health measures ridiculed here are an absolutely necessary tool to avoid or try to minimise all cause mass death.

More Covid = a worse healthcare system for all.

I don’'t “support” anything in this regard.

It seems obvious there’s a fairly close relationship between excess deaths and Covid deaths, but that relationship will vary by degree by country.

But here’s the thing. If excess deaths are so large, it doesn’t really matter where the dividing line lies between Covid mortality and all cause excess mortality in each country. Because large excess death anywhere is proof of just how great a threat and a disaster Covid can be, has been and still is, anywhere and everywhere.

And lockdowns or restrictions have not caused any sort of significant numbers of deaths in and of themselves. On the contrary, they have saved countless lives.

Covid is the problem and always has been since it existed. Without Covid you don’t get these massive excess death rates.


cc @Thomas_Brady

You’ve been a denialist and a peddler of extreme right US libertarian propaganda since the start.

So nobody with a functioning brain takes you remotely seriously - which obviously doesn’t include the extreme right self help cult you’re a part of which share likes among each other on here. :wink:

He seems nice & comfy living rent free in your head.

140 million humans are born each year and 60 million die, so we are adding 80 million a year. To a planet that apparently cannot sustain the numbers it already has without drastic changes in lifestyle. Climate change mainly due to overpopulation is an impending disaster.

4 million people, or 4.4% of overall deaths, dying over 1.5 years from an infectious disease, most of whom are over 70, is also an absolute catastrophe and a disaster.

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The idea of uncontrolled population growth nevertheless lives on. Many people believe that exponential population growth is not only happening but is destined to continue. Not only is this untrue, it simply cannot be true. The population growth rate is falling steeply. It peaked half a century ago—reaching a high of 2.1 percent in the 1960s. Since then it has been halved to just over one percent per year.

This does not mean that the population is not growing fast. We add 82 million people every year: 140 million babies are born and 58 million people die. But growth is slowing, and by the end of the century we expect population to have leveled off—at around 10.8 billion, based on the latest United Nations projections.


Correct. In the context of total population, deaths going from an average of 58 million a year to 61 million a year is not a catastrophe, not in the context of 8 billion people on the planet. Certainly not on the scale of the Spanish flu which killed 50 million or ~3% of the human population at the time, or WWII when 75 million died.

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Mehole was blowing shite about going ahead in his makey up vaccine contest with the UK, why doesn’t he open it up to fuck like England if it so good? why isn’t he being asked these kind of questions?

You must be thick. Obese people are not fit and healthy. Were you that stupid before you spent 18 months hiding under your bed?

Yes mate because everyone takes your fruitloop opinions on board and in moments of quiet contemplation think to themselves ‘you know what, that internet headbanger who calls everyone a far right fascist is right’



How did we seriously go from “masks are pointless” to “wear a mask in front of your child at all times” in 16 months….? His reasoning is that because so few vaccinated older people are now sick, we are now noticing the very few children who get ill.