Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It’s due to increasing cases and the change in CDC guidance last week which reversed the prior guidance on vaccinated people not needing to wear masks. The CDC now believe that the Delta variant can more easily infect the vaccinated and that vaccinated people who are infected are as contagious as unvaccinated. The vaccines are still preventing serious disease, the number of people in hospital with Covid are 90% unvaccinated.

Vaccine take up has been good among the elderly and vulnerable groups but around 60% for the 18-49 age group and very low for the 12-18 age group.

Do you think you should be looked after by the state if you get sick from the vaccine?

Is it only the elderly that get sick from Covid, Jack? Is there a cut off for the 5km that puts you at risk?

That’s what the data suggests.

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What age?

Under 40s as I suggested.

Fit and healthy u40s are largely not impacted by Covid.

The best thing at this stage is to be vaccinated and then catch it.

ICU up to 29 from 27 yesterday…

What about people over 40 that can run a sub 22 minute 5km?

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Depends how old they are but if you’re running sub 22 and you’ve a fitness age of 20 then you should have nothing to worry about.

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9 more hospitalized in the last 24 hrs

With it or from it?

Cheers Doc


Correct — this is alarming given that we are at an 88% vaccination range

The fatties and the covid mentallers in an unholy alliance to keep all the healthy, fit people restricted and living a life of lockdowns. You couldn’t make it up.


This is really an obesity pandemic. I’d tax the shit out of sugar.

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Vegetable oil, sugar and trans fats.

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Are they fat people who are part of the LBQT+ movement?

The vaccine passport will become a health passport. Obese people won’t be allowed access to fast food restaurants, alcoholics access to pubs etc.


People over a BMI of 30 should not be allowed into restaurants or bars. On balance they are probably the biggest threat to society.