Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

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It would be great if this killed him

Are you trying to say the cure is better than prevention? :smiley::smiley:

What substance prevents you from getting covid?


Ah lads just lads in a convertible with the roof down and one of them had a mask on. :mask:

That’s it two doses in and my days living as a second class citizen will soon be a distant memory.


If there were a treatment that worked it would be tremendous. The vaccines are great but there are a subset of people for whom vaccination doesn’t work, so treatment is their only option. Breakthrough infections could also become a bigger issue as time goes on and the virus continues to mutate.


You’d need a lot more than a covid vaccine to cure a cunt who drives around in a convertible in Ireland.


Mentaller denial. Hopefully they can find a way to bottle it and we’re all safe then.

I agree.

The swab data is back.

Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown

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What are the death numbers looking like at moment. They don’t seem to be reporting them.

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Only reported weekly Thursdays I think was 9 last week

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These antivaxx flat earthers speak with such authority it’s scary. I get why people don’t want to get it, but the shite some of them spout is scary, simply because they believe it.

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Its a conspiracy between Bill Gate and bezos to put microchips into people and run them in a simulation to show the world is round.

All for our lizard people illumuninati overlords

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The vaccine fascists keep making authoritative claims of things they neither know or understand.

@the_man_himself made an awful show of himself here recently. @glasagusban too.