Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I’d say he was delighted not to have to deal with shite


The lads in Bozo’s night club in Athlone must have thought the same.

Big anti vaccine and anti green pass protests in Italian last night. The tinfoil hat crew would have loved it.


She’ll know better the next time

582 hospitalised now. That’s a rise of 138 in 8 days.

A woman who doesn’t have her papers in order. The state of fellas condoning this sentiment

She should have her papers in order. Hospital and ICU numbers are rocketing and Mrs prissy thinks she can waltz around from pub to pub as she pleases.


Especially in Waterford. Monaghan not so much.

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The entitlement of her


You’d imagine a woman would generally be well organised. She’ll learn

All the shite they throw in a handbag and she didn’t have photo ID. It isn’t the doorman I’d be annoyed at.


How many of those caught it in hospital ? Or all these admitted with it?

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You’d be crazy to go out without photo ID in this day and age what with all the drink spiking and needle pricking

Yes, photographic ID simultaneously reduces the spread of covid and the risk of being raped.


That seems an overstatement

Yes, but I have to guide you along the path of truth and logic by using a variety of methods. You’re not going to get anywhere on you own. No offence like


I wouldn’t follow a lad like you anywhere bro

Is there any truth to the rumours that you’re going around to bars spiking women with cattle wormer?

I might if I was informing on him.