Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

At least the passports have shown us that it’s the covid zealots who are in the pubs trying to rape women


You’d genuinely worry for some lads here. You really would.

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Celebrity professor, Lukey O’Neill has transitioned to LIDTF.

Paddy needs to be locked down good and proper.

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I’ll head for a few pints now shortly. Will hardly still be open next week.

The overarching view is restrictions will be imposed on Tuesday and unvaccinated people will be told to stay home.


Lockdown by the weekend. Level 5

Enjoy them

About time. The unvaccinated need to be shipped out to Spike Island and food airdropped to them once a month.


To Arthur


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The horsey set have fucked us once again

They will throw everything at the unvaxxed alright. Won’t make fuck all of a difference though.


We could make a tv show out of it and syndicate it. Twould pay a bit of the cost we’ve had to shoulder treating the cunts in ICU theee past few months

So are they in ICU or spike Island? You’re all over the place here.

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There’ll be no more lock downs hopefully.

I’d say they’ll ban foreign travel within 2 weeks

It galls me to think of the obscene amounts of money we’ve had to throw out on PCR tests and vaccinations to pacify the bed-wetters. And they’re still not happy.


Under the bed wetters?

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Far too fucking good for them.

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I dunno, it is Cork

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