Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I think Iā€™ll regret not having a few pints this weekend. Weā€™ll hardly see a pint till February now. Antigen tests and surger kits will be the stocking fillers this Crimbo.

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The usual fannies will like this


there 100% will be
the shagging covid is everywhere here, it was never at this level at anytime during previous revs of this nonsense, she looks after all the WhatsApp bolix but the school is full of it, every soccer club i know is full of it, but by and large people donā€™t seem to careā€¦itā€™s like " oh yeah did you hear x5 of the Bellurgan Utd kids have covid", " oh right yeahā€¦fuck sake presume game is still on"ā€¦

but yeah
I reckon schools may not make it to Christmasā€¦they certainly wonā€™t come back till at least Easter and you can forget about the pub at Christmas as well.
Jan and Feb will be rough


Thankfully very few are getting sick. There wonā€™t be any more lock downs.

@mickee321 and @BruidheanChaorthainn , just regards future lockdowns.

They only work when people go along with it. If they do bring this bullshit in, the population just need to ignore it. If enough people do that , its over.

They canā€™t fine and jail everyone.

More than likely I think itā€™ll be a lockdown of the unvaccinated. So, yeā€™re probably both grand for another while anyway.


it doesnā€™t matter
hoolahan is playing Joe public like a fiddle, like last December he is walking them down the garden path so that they will actually support or even agree that a lockdown is needed
.he also cleverly knows that the dumb under 35s who voted in the shinners will do anything to spite leo and meeholeā€¦last year these fuckers wanted their pub open, grand ā€¦government give in ,then 6 weeks later these cunts who were clamouring for the place to be open were calling varadkaar a mass murderer and doing Tonyā€™s job for himā€¦bang shutā€¦
its following the same patternā€¦stuff is open and the hospitals are ticking away upā€¦Tony knows itā€™s only a matter of timeā€¦if varadkaar opens his mouth to defend openingā€¦these dicks will call for a lockdown.

schools will go
.but I guarantee youā€¦forget about the pub
.fucking forget it


Youā€™re completely wrong there @mickee321 , no offence.

Nphet are only in place because this governments cabinet wants them there.

The pretend push back from Leo last year. Was just for show. These guys feed the media on a daily basis and check what way the wind is blowing.

I donā€™t think there is a mad conspiracy here. Its just weak government and a completely failed health system.

The vaccines are another debate. Unfortunately, theyā€™re not the way out of this that we were told they would be.


Itā€™s a three shot vaccine. If everybody got their three shots weā€™d be grand.

tony Hoolahan attitude to the hospitality industry is similar to Timothy macveigh during the olklahoma bomb, he sees the human impact as merely a form of necessary collateral damage.

If they are closing anything itā€™ll be schools but pubs and niteclubs will go as well in sympathy .if you are shutting schools it will seem slightly odd to have people on the pissā€¦ regardless of whether it impacts the bottom line or notā€¦theyā€™re done.

look, I think this whole nonsense is utterly absurd but Iā€™m just commenting on the reality of what has happened and what will happen
ā€¦ its done


I know a couple of people over 60 whoā€™ve tested positive and are not in good shape and have the boosters got, pal.

Iā€™d say its a jab every 6 months myself if I was a betting man. Iā€™m not thankfully but that would be how I see it going.

The evidence from Israel is utterly overwhelming that boosters are highly effective. If every person in this country got three vaccine doses, we would be out the gap.

If every person in the world got three doses, we would likely eradicate it like we did with smallpox.

As long as we have a considerable proportion of the population unvaccinated, we may never return to normality.

You cannot return to normality when you do not have control of Covid and what it does to society and its functioning, and currently, we do not have control of Covid while attempting to live anything even vaguely resembling 2019 normality.

Itā€™s as simple as that.

Get vaccinated.

Would it not just wear off in a few months again like the other doses or is there evidence that it lasts? I wouldnā€™t even be against those over 60 or whatever getting jabbed for it every 6 months

There will be no ā‚¬10 bottles of Baileyā€™s this Christmas

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I respectfully disagree with you. I get your position but I think the vaccine passes has compounded the situation.

Vaxx mandates arent something Iā€™m going to go along with ever.

With regards your earlier post - 4th jab will be on the way. Its not how Iā€™m going to live life anyway.

The evidence shows it sends antibody levels soaring way beyond the second dose.

I canā€™t say whether it would wear off to a level where we would again have the situation we have now. Only time would tell. What Iā€™m pretty sure about is that if everybody in this country got three doses you are in a very good place to start living old normality again, with actual confidence.

The world needs to be saturated in vaccines. They are so clearly the way out of all this. As it is, to avoid shutting the discretionary economy again - pubs, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, gyms - we need to be bringing in a Danish style Coronapass system on top of mandatory vaccine passports. And enforce it rigorously. If we don;t do that, weā€™re on the road to another lockdown.

The way weā€™re proceeding at the moment is a cod, it isnā€™t sustainable unless something drastic changes very soon. Boosters could change things a bit but if you only give them out to the elderly youā€™re not attacking the problem like you need to.

With the unvaccinated, Covid seems to work like a Mexican wave, it just goes around and around and around, and then leaks into the vaccinated.

Endemic Covid strongly seems to me to not be sustainable. Youā€™ve got to get the population to such a state of immunity that the R rate disintegrates down to effectively nothing. Thatā€™s the only way you can have confidence. At the moment everything is precarious and you canā€™t run a society in a constant state of precarity.

Antigen testing though surely is a better tool than an aul covid pass? Especially given double vaxxed arent really any safer than the unvaccinated.

Iā€™m at peace with it anyway. Iā€™ll do my own thing , hopefully the bastard of a virus might fuck off eventually.

If we had to get a 4th jab, so what?

Iā€™ve had at least 12 or 13 needles stuck in me this year. 2 Covid jabs, 1 flu jab, and at least 10 needles over 4 dentistā€™s visits.

What is it that you people are afraid of exactly? Itā€™s ridiculous.


Antibiotics or medicines in this case with regards Covid should never be the answer longterm pal - especially for the entire population.

I think people would be far better off eating well, losing weight, exercising, taking vitamin supplements.

Thats just me though.

They should be and are because we have them and they work and they are safe.

January and February are going to be fucking savage, the 5km rule will be back in

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