Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It didnā€™t work though. I think a 2km rule is warranted.

Have we any vaccine supply issues at the moment ?

Time to withdraw the dole from people who refuse the vaccine, most of them are dole heads anyway

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35 pregnant women in ICU this year. 35 unvaccinated.

Source: Audrey Carville on Morning Ireland just now.

Its a secondary concern
we have seen vaccines are not the answer.
ā€œweā€ should have been well out of this by now and all of us with our vaccinesā€¦" oh itā€™s great to have the vaccine, I can see light at the end of the tunnel says Nuala"ā€¦

will you go way outta that Nuala.the cancelling of the dublin Christmas fair is only the startā€¦ place will be locked down, a serious hard lockdownā€¦vaccines or no vaccines

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Thatā€™s some load of bollocks Michael.

Stick to mildly humorous paeans to Balkan sectarianism in a football context.

The Irish only understand the stick approach as they are by and large thick bastards, Holohan knows this and is playing it brilliantly. The public were told the vaccines were the way out, another lie and they just keep buying it


@Bandage has the mood music changed

The pubs are gone by Wednesday. Go out and do savage drinking tonight.

Name and shame the bar

Itā€™s like some chaps canā€™t see the correlation with hospital cases being lowest in the lowest vaccinated county. :thinking:

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Sick Burn GIF by MOODMAN

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Itā€™s almost like vaccines have been a complete and utter failure.

The canny operators are laughing our holes off at the pivoting and finger pointing from the vaccine fascists.

Itā€™s no surprise that the pro-baby killers now want pregnant women have an experimental drug pushed upon the child they are carrying.


Funnily enough I just heard nolan putting that question to Tom black. Black said weā€™ve all seen the queues outside coppers.
I kid you not.

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Do Monaghan people not go to nightclubs?

Itā€™s the cold north wind that keeps them hardy

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A further point of order to free staters being soft as shit.

Lock it down now and we can have a nice Christmas.