Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The packed toilets in the Aviva have kilt us all.

You seem to be making a lot of assumptions there and still seem to be dodging the question Iā€™ve put to you on your misinformation. It seems your outlook is based on assumptions, bias and fanaticism. I prefer to keep a rational mind and allow people to make informed decisions.

Now you can either dig deeper, show the forum youā€™re nothing more than a vaccine fascist who is all bullshit or you can provide the forum with the data you vaguely referenced but canā€™t seem to provide.

Meanwhile I will call for sensible measures that call for individual consultation with the appropriate medical practitioner on whether or not a pregnant woman is at high risk of Covid 19 complications. You on the other hand will tell pregnant women to go ahead and get the vaccine, despite not having the appropriate qualifications and will then reference data that says they should which he canā€™t provide.

Iā€™m exposing you as a deranged nutjob here and youā€™re not doing much to refute that.

Based on your opinion here for last few months itā€™s a complete turn from that opinion. There are people who have genuine concern for taking the vaccine but you ignore some obvious data that proves it has been effective.

Itā€™s not. I donā€™t know how you could make such a comment. If you can provide a post where I said vulnerable and elderly people should categorically not get the vaccine that would be fine but such posts donā€™t exist.

From the outset my objection has been forcing and coercing people into getting vaccines that donā€™t need it.

I think people should be allowed make their own decisions on this matter and have it respected.

There is no upside to a young, fit and healthy person on putting an experimental vaccine in them for something that is of minimal threat to them. There is however potential benefits if you were old, in bad health or had an underlying condition in takin the vaccine. Iā€™ve been very consistent in saying that from the outset through to now so I can only speculate that youā€™re terrible confused and misunderstood here.

Coming from you, that is of great comfort to me. The data you are looking for has already been mentioned by another poster.

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And blank.

Mike Hunt - the guy who wants to pedal misinformation out there and then lie about the data behind it.

Nutjob aligned with fellow nutjobs.

Iā€™m asking you. What data?

The data is there. You just need to follow it.

Youā€™re being asked a simple question and you donā€™t seem able to address it. Itā€™s a bit hard to follow imaginary data you created but donā€™t seem able to follow.

The data is there. Iā€™ve told you where it is. You choose to ignore it. None so blindā€¦

You thick bastard. So you studied mrna calcined in school did you? The laugh of your third hand ignorance is that the same fuckers peddling you these lies are also saying the babies are vaccinated in the womb ā€¦so itā€™s a win win.


You keep saying itā€™s there but you donā€™t seem to have the ability to provide that claim.

If you say it you have the onus to provide it, repeatedly making claims and repeatedly failing to support those claims exposes you as a very dangerous bullshitter. Iā€™ve backed up my position, Iā€™ve referenced and provided a source from the WHO where they recommend that a pregnant woman consult with the appropriate medical practitioner and get the vaccine if they are deemed at high risk from a Covid 19 infections.

Iā€™ll do it again because my position is grounded in verifiable rationale.

Should pregnant women be vaccinated?

WHO recommends the use of the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnant women when the benefits of vaccination to the pregnant woman outweigh the potential risks. To help pregnant women make this assessment, they should be provided with information about the risks of COVID-19 in pregnancy, the likely benefits of vaccination in the local epidemiological context, and the current limitations of safety data in pregnant women. WHO does not recommend pregnancy testing prior to vaccination. WHO does not recommend delaying pregnancy or terminating pregnancy because of vaccination.

Now you can continue to show the forum what a dangerous and deceitful bullshiter by failing to provide the data you cite. Itā€™s more evidence of vaccine fascists and their inability to discuss these matters honestly and in good faith.

You should flag his post mate, its very dangerous for people to reading such naked misinformation.

not to answer for @mikehunt butā€¦

Pregnant and recently pregnant women are at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 than nonpregnant women. Additionally, pregnant women with COVID-19 are at a higher risk for preterm birth and might have a higher risk for other adverse pregnancy outcomes

Getting a vaccination helps pregnant women.

Scientists have not found an increased risk for miscarriage among people who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine just before and during early pregnancy (before 20 weeks of pregnancy)

Early data suggest receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy reduces the risk for infection.

and further stuff:

Its abundantly clear that being pregnant and getting Covid is a particularly dangerous risk. There are numerous reports and data showing that many ICUs with Covid patients have numerous unvaccinated pregnant women. There is now plenty of data clearly showing that getting the vaccine is far safer than risking it and getting covid. Obviously if you dont get covid, there is no need to get a vaccine, but Iā€™m not sure a pregnant woman will fit under the bed for 9 months. Data shows getting a vaccine when pregnant is the safest and best option to take.

I dont expect you to take any of the above on board, but just want to highlight the data that is there.


That seems to be go against what is advised by the WHO.

Some pregnant women are at higher risk from Covid 19 infection than others, their medical practitioner who knows their medical background should be the one who judges their risk and provides the with the necessary advice on whether vaccination is recommended. You seem to be under the illusion that every single pregnant woman is at the same risk of Covid 19. That is for their doctor to advise and ultimately it is for the expectant mother to decide on it.

The issue over the impact on the vaccine on the child is something that must be of huge concern to any expectant mother given pregnant women were not involved in the initial clinical trials and it would take years and years of trials to ascertain any potential complications associated with the child from the vaccine.

This is why vaccine hesitancy is naturally going to be high with pregnant women. The zealotry of guys like Mike trying to insist that all pregnant women get the vaccine is the kind of dangerous rhetoric that should be called out and anyone supporting this type of position on vaccines should be called out for the zealot they are.

Let people make their own decisions, without misinformation, without misrepresentation, without shame, coercion or bullying tactics.

ok, taking your points on each piece.

Data shows that pregnant women are more at risk. That is clear. You asked for data, you didnt say to comment on each individual case. If a woman is pregnant, she is more likely to be more severely affected by Covid than if she wasnt. It has nothing to do with underlying conditions or history or anything else, as that would be the standard either way. The data, which you asked for, very clearly identifies pregnant women as being an at risk person for Covid. Much in the same way that you classify every U40 in the same bracket or every old person in the same bracket, the same applies for pregnant women. It is an undisputed fact.

The impact on the child is of course something a couple should take into account. however, the vaccine is not one that affects the unborn child. That is also a very clear fact. It does not need further years of clarification, the type of vaccine it is will not affect the child.

I do not blame women and couples being hesitant over the vaccine. The initial communication was so haphazard that they were unsure as to what to do. Adding into the equation all the online facebook doctors doesnt help. But the data is very, very clear now.

I agree with your last point. You might then refrain from calling people who got the vaccine, facists, racists, and other such insults simply for making the decision to get the vaccine for themselves. the data shows getting the vaccine helps. It helps pregnant women far higher.

Iā€™ll leave you to the rest of your day, have a good one.


Youā€™d want to be some fucking loser to be posting on this thread every day.


Thatā€™s some clamping

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The doctors you refer to have recommended for all the pregnant women to get vaccinated.

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Nope. You must have misunderstood me. I didnā€™t ask for data, I provided the WHO advice which says pregnant women should consult their doctor re their risks with regard to Covid 19 before deciding on vaccination. Mike Hunt was the one who said pregnant women should be vaccinated due to data. This conflicts advice from the WHO.

So what you are is both false and completely skewed, I donā€™t think youā€™re being much of an honest broker here. In fact you are now incredibly making ridiculous conclusions that contradict WHO advice.

You must some very definitive claims there that are complete and utter horseshit. Claims that someone like you or me could not possibly know and this is where your fanaticism lets you down and itā€™s this position that cause such polarisation and toxicity in these discussions.

These are individual cases that should be discussed with their doctors and the expectant mother should be allowed decided on. A pregannt woman with asthma and obesity in here 40s is probably 100x more at risk from Covid 19 infection than a fit and healthy pregnant woman around the 30 mark. This is something a medical practitioner will be qualified to advise on - not you or I.

And her other health factors should be taken into account, age, health, underlying health conditions, obesity etc. You seem to be fitting all pregnant women into a catch all, not something youā€™re qualified to do and once again in contradiction with WHO guidelines on the vaccine.

I do not, I consistently make the distinction of fit and healthy young people with no underlying condition. Have done from the start. Obesity can hit any age and I think obese adults are certainly at risk from Covid and should consider the vaccine - no departure from my position at any point so donā€™t try and misrepresent my position please.

This is where it gets very dangerous, a confident, empathic conclusion that you have absolutely zero knowledge of. We simply donā€™t know that and itā€™s so, so dangerous to be going out and pedaling this sort of misinformation. We didnā€™t have pregnant women involved in the initial trials. This is very much an unknown so please desist from spreading falsehoods you have no idea is true or isnā€™t true.

Thatā€™s a terrible comment you should consider retracting. Claiming an unknown as fact is blatant misinformation.

It absolutely does and needs widespread trials to conclude.

Dangerous, emotive and so emphatic without any basis of intelligence, qualification or knowledge. We simply donā€™t know this - to say things of this regard shows youā€™re fanatical. We should hold caution until we know this and there has not been enough, trials, enough data or enough knowledge to conclude this. This is so polarising in these discussions. We need to be open minded on this - not fanatical.

I think calling people who are fanatical, dogmatic and who blatanlty want coercion, bullying and intimidation of people with a different viewpoint is suitable, if it fits the tag it fits the tag, I havenā€™t misrepresented your position. Youā€™ve misrepresented my position above, but more dangerous than that is you have decided to pedal mistruths, misinformation as referenced above but most worryingly you have spoken definitively on things you donā€™t have the first clue about citing terms as fact and clear when you donā€™t know the first thing about it. You are quite clearly fanatical and I think you need to show some tolerance and an open-minded attitude in this discussion.

Most of all you should respect others views and not try and ram yours down their throats with lies by claiming things you could not possibly know as fact or as very clear when they are unknowns - as far removed from fact of definites as you could get.

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